1llamarampage will write again

I’m uncool. The uncool are my people. I’m a weird mix of rageful and nerdy that doesn’t play well to test audiences in Peoria, or the crucial 13-26 demographic.

It’s always difficult when faced with comments like these to get past the absolute Jackson Pollock mess of Missing the Point to find something to actually respond to, so good job picking out one thing and going with it.

Gordon’s kid is also significantly older than Parker’s too - like, it’s not cool to slag off your kid’s dad when the kid still really needs a dad, you know? But wait long enough and most douchebags will take the shine off themselves just by being them, and then it’s kind of fair game.

I had a substitute in high school whose last name was Slutsky. All I could think is that I would’ve been married at 16 just to get rid of it.

See, I would say this is exactly the kind of thinking that a 24-year-old contemplating having an affair with a married man would engage in. It’s not right, but it sounds convincing enough for a young person who actually doesn’t care about doing the right thing and just wants to run away with the true-love-du-jour.

I suppose that if she had ever even once read something written by John Donne it would’ve been that poem though, right? So it’s totally implausible, but not absolutely impossible. It’s not like she was quoting the Death’s Duel Sermon.

Again and again! You may have known not to do it, but did you have the strength of character to actually not do it? Bear in mind that if you say yes I’m going to need a list of 6 references who knew you back then to corroborate that you always lived according to your moral principles at the ripe age of 24. Perhaps you

He is truly a man multitudinous in virtues.

I literally did forget about DOMA, like completely let it slip my mind that that was actually a policy supported by the President of the United States in this tender infant century, because it’s been 8 years since I had to think about that bullshit, with the subsequent tearing out of the hair and the gnashing of the

Again (and again, and again), it’s old enough to know it’s a terrible idea, but for many people, they still don’t have the maturity to actually turn that knowledge into not doing the stupid thing. This is what keg stands and affairs and B.A’s in Communications have in common - it’s dumb as fuck on the face of it, but

It was a constitutional issue that he made possible by electing the justices who would make it happen, and that he aided by making equality a talking point and actionable concern at a level of government where it was not previously considered important. Both of those things were at least very helpful and perhaps

Beyond appointing two of the five majority-opinion justices and promoting acceptance and equality across many aspects of our culture? Then yes, I agree, the guy did practically nothing.

7 is old enough to know not to have an affair. As soon as you have the working knowledge of biology and social mores to know what an affair is, you already know that it’s a terrible idea. It takes a bit of growing up to be able to actually stand by that knowledge when you have the opportunity to have an affair,

Claire Danes was 24 at the time - well within the range when people don’t have the maturity to comport themselves well in the face of “true love.” Billy Crudup was 34 and had a kid on the way. One of them is a forgivable asshole, at least, while the other should have been too busy supporting his new family to have his

Drat! Gawkered again!

I think you’ll find that most languages have a word for health.

I do think it was like this during the last El Nino - I remember being in shorts around New Year’s and then freezing my butt off a few weeks later.

Both these statements are equally fallacious, as it’s impossible to ascribe a single season’s worth of variation to a single factor - ANY single factor, whether it’s the scary story of the century, or the palliative “maybe it’s not so bad after all” explain-away du jour.

Hey, there’s snow on the ski slopes in Switzerland (for the next few years at least)!

Yeah, the only way I care about the OPs dick is if someone cuts it off and throws it out a window. And even that would be old news.