1llamarampage will write again

It's definitely possible. A boy I went to high school with had double eyelashes. It's a striking look.

Not with the kind of person you’d actually be willing to spin shit for, though.

Kevyn Aucoin lip color in Eliarice - it’s a warm red, perfect for autumn, and the application is just perfection.

I just bought my first non-drugstore lipstick (I was feeling some ennui, and my friend dragged me into a boutique and said lipstick would fix it - this turned out to be correct) and oh my god, I can’t believe the difference in quality. I’ve bought everything CVS has, from Wet n’ Wild to Revlon, and none of them match

Oh jesus what that is the worst of all of them. Fate is a bitch, and was definitely like “fuck this dude in particular.”

You seem like an audience that would be fascinated to know that he and a friend were on my bus from New York to Baltimore last weekend. John Waters still takes BoltBus! I snagged his Rolling Stone magazine that he left at his seat.

In fact, the adjective meaning “full of pus” is pustulent or purulent, neither pussy or pus-y.

She was apparently so beautiful even as a baby that her mother would be stopped on the street with people wanting to pay her compliments. Which is creepy! But also, a pretty stark indication of how beautiful she must have been.

The even worse thing is that it doesn’t even have to be that way. I was in Tromso recently, and went on a Northern Lights excursion (which wound up being the only night there I didn’t see the northern lights) where they fed us survival/camping rations from a local factory - and look, it wasn’t the best food I’ve ever

There’s some evidence that exactly this is what killed Napoleon - his bedroom on tropically-humid Saint Helena had arsenic-laden wallpaper.

Right. You think I’m crying for all the people in Kentucky who didn’t vote and now got stuck with a moron for governor, the one politician with more potential impact on their day-to-day lives than any other? Yes, I understand that if the polls close at 6 that indirectly disenfranchises a lot of the working class, but

I find it hard to feel a whole lot of pity for people who are willing to vote against not only the programs that help their neighbors, but their own obvious self-interest. Kentucky had a governor who was willing to work with the Federal government to make sure his constituents got all the available benefits - now it

I agree, I think even though we’ve all seen Whose Line, the “points are made up and the scores don’t matter” line is going to be a hard sell over here.

I agree with your initial assertion, but disagree with your hypothesis - there does not need to be a QI remake, because there is already QI. Also I don’t think the style of humor would translate nearly as well. I find that British audiences are a lot more likely to allow a funny story to build, whereas Americans tend

She really got down the “I squint so much it’s an open question as to whether or not I have eyes” look Melania has.

You do know exactly what it means, though, because talking colloquially about “sharia law” as a monolithic thing in this context is a common thing. So either this is baby’s first experience with media talking about the Islamic world, or you just want to make a point about how much you know that you think the rest of

Also, if you’re a visible outsider, you will never, ever really understand what local women’s lives are like from the perspective of one of them -if you’re lucky, they will tell you, and of course a person can empathize, but you will never really know it. When I lived in Sudan I talked with my friends a lot about

It’s pretty uncommon to have problems getting into a Muslim country once you’ve got the visa, even if you’ve been to Israel, for one reason - Israel’s started handing out border control cards that you carry separately. There’s no permanent proof in your passport that you’ve ever been there, but you have the proof that

I lived in Sudan for a bit, (official state sponsors of terrorism!) and from the Islamophobic fear-mongering I heard from people I thought knew better, you’d have thought I was going to fight ISIS solo. The reality is that a lot of these places have serious, intractable, sometimes deadly problems, and those are real.

The world will constantly surprise you, if you're not careful.