1llamarampage will write again

I for one would be delighted to see the look on Putin’s face when the US President whines about him being mean to them.

Your statement about looking in the kitchen holds true no matter what city you are talking about, as long as it’s in America.

I was in Tromso (North Norway) recently, and every pizza place in town is run by Pakistanis. And the pizza was good! A little too deep-dish for my NYC heart, and the toppings were weird, but it was definitely enjoyable. The Pakistanis know what they’re doing.

Also, the #1 way to determine if someone knows nothing about wine is if they send it back or generally make any comment to the server after they’re given some wine to taste. The tasting is not to determine if you like it or to tell a server your tasting notes, it’s to determine if the wine has literally gone bad and

My cat is very snuggly and shares the bed with me at night (this was not my original plan, but she had other ideas and basically I couldn’t say no after the first second she stepped in the house). Every morning is a deep emotional struggle between my need to be at work and my need to stare at her adorable face while

My cat is the most perfect thing ever to exist, and literally the only time I am ever mad at her is when she is being exceptionally cute and I am in a hurry. I am just trying to LIVE, cat! Let me go make money so we both can eat!

I would like the time it took me to learn how to properly use the apostrophe back, since apparently it doesn’t matter. Same with learning how to cite sources in an academic paper and parallel park without leaving half my car hanging out in the street.

As long as they stay state or local - it’s actually not the pipeline to top jobs that everyone claims. For example, it’s a pretty small percentage of either house of Congress who were frat members.

As long as your definition of “good job” is very narrow and geographically confined, then yeah, it’s great for that.

I would also say that childhood taught me all about laying the groundwork for a lie. You are 90% more likely to get to stay home sick from school if you start complaining of aches and pains before dinner the day before - and that remains true when you need a personal day home from work as well.

The Speaker can designate smoking areas on the Hill. Boehner would obviously designate his own office as such. 20 bucks says he was smoking extra in the last week to get back at Ryan for shitting on him over the budget, which lest we forget, was a goddamn gift that may actually allow Ryan to do his actual job.

I think it’s just common sense - if it’s snowed heavily, and there’s a miraculous clear spot that you KNOW you didn’t shovel out yourself, you don’t park there. Everybody but the infirm has to do their own work, or pay for the work to be done.

I may have to try this, as the current dirt-cheap dye I use to touch up my roots between expensive professional appointments is so runny that I not only retouch my bright-red hair, I always wind up dying my scalp pink.

My DL picture is actually really cute, and I would say bright lips and subtle eye makeup are what made it that way.

I won’t be bored until the primaries are over (I’m a real masochist) but I’m pretty confident about how the general election is going to go, so I expect to be a lot less excited about that.

My friends and I used to talk about stuff like this all the time. Like, we’d change the settings, the age of the kids, how many there were, and how fast they were coming at you, and then talk through how many we thought we could beat up.

Truly one of the weirdest things I’ve ever learned is that you can be allergic to raw vegetables but not cooked, and vice versa. The human body is just so infinitely strange, and the immune system seems to be one of the most cobbled-together pieces of junk in history - if you got one that works all the time and only

Seriously, if you can make it work, do it. $39 for bottomless brunch, which is all of the mimosas you can get down, as well as literally anything you can point at on their brunch menu. One of my friends and I go there on the reg and I don’t think we’ve ever walked out having eaten less than $200 worth of really decent

The “brunch menu better than dinner menu” made me think Masa 14, but that place is always packed at brunch (and I wholeheartedly recommend it, it’s amazing). Mildly racist makes me think maybe El Centro? They’ve got some weird Mexican/Aztec -esque art on the walls. But their dinner menu is totally amazing (their lamb

I have a friend who doesn’t really eat vegetables. He’s SO allergic to SO many things, and it’s actually progressive - every year or so, something off his ever-diminishing list of safe foods will start to make him sick. So especially when he eats out, he tends to stick to two or three things that have almost always