1llamarampage will write again

My mother has no idea how clothing sizes work. I’m 5’10 and as a teen was probably 15o pounds - so quite tall and medium-to-slim. My mother once bought me a pair of size 14 PETITE gauchos, and was so upset and indignant when I told her I couldn’t wear them and she would have to take them back. Then the lady at the

I’m not certain the situation exists that could cause Clinton to actually lose her poise, but it certainly, certainly isn’t testifying before Congress. I honestly don’t know what they were thinking either, because everyone knows her history and should be able to spot that this was the stupidest possible path to take.

This reminds me of what I tell people when they ask how I’ve managed to live long-term in countries where I didn’t initially speak the language.

There’s a realtor around here whose signs proclaim his name to be Dick Fisher. Like, for real, Richard Fisher is far from a great name (too many fricatives) but wouldn’t you prefer to be called that rather than Dick Fisher?

Which makes me wonder why so much of your post to describe every potential instance in which my mental state (loving to work) might change.

Thanks. It’s a tragedy but very much not MY tragedy (I was 2 days old at the time and didn’t know what was going on, plus I was adopted by family members and raised in a home where there were serious problems but on a basic level I was adored). Mostly I’m just annoyed by the waste of it all - her organs could have

I think people get confused about the difference between applauding strangers and public figures for displaying basic humanity, and being genuinely grateful for the small kindnesses afforded to us by people in real life. Like, sure, we don’t have to give random internet men a gold medal for recognizing that they

I am forever deeply annoyed by a dry wedding, but in this case the event is so small and low-key that it’s more of an intimate dinner with your newly merged-in family members than an actual event. I regularly don’t drink alcohol when out to dinner with my family (my parents drink themselves but my mother can be very

But the “I’m a doctor” commentor who chastised me two days ago for suggesting that this was a possibility assured me that we have laws about this kind of thing!

Also: It helps to know if your local hospital has the means to collect your organs in the event of your death. My mother was killed at 21 by a drunk driver, and was an organ donor, but her organs went unused because the hospital she was in was not part of a donor program (John Peter Smith Hospital in Fort Worth, later

I had a really cute pair of high-heeled loafers from them that I had to sell on eBay because they were so uncomfortable for no perceivable reason.

If you’ve ever seen a naked mole-rat habitat at a zoo, it will give you immediate 70’s porn flashbacks - the light in their exhibits is always red, which they can’t see, to encourage these nocturnal mammals to be active while people are around to look at them. The red light combined with their frankly penile

-shrug- I’m not here to worry about “elevating” someone out of the greys if they actually want to have a conversation, and I’m not going to go searching through people’s comment history before engaging. I’m just going to have that conversation and move on.

I mean, they may be a troll a lot of the time, but absolutely nothing on this thread is trollish? I’ve been called a troll before for disagreeing with someone (at length, but in earnest), so I’m willing to believe someone could troll at some times and want to actually contribute to a discussion at others.

Mm, no. I love working. I have had shit jobs that I couldn’t wait to leave, and great jobs that I could’ve done forever, but I would take either of them to avoid the feelings of depression, isolation, and uselessness that come from not working.

I’m not attacking you (Jesus) just adding some additional information to the conversation for those who may not be aware of Clinton’s long CV.

She did better than anyone expected, except for those of us who know Clinton has been working in Congress since the mid-70’s and testifying in front of them for the last 20 years, which means she’s been doing exactly this for significantly longer than any Republican on the committee has even held their current office.

It takes a really special kind of person to look at someone who did legitimately risk her life to help others and be like “Nope. Dun like it.”

“Different people with different experiences feel differently about things” is surely among the least-controversial hypotheses I've ever seen posited on Gawker.