1llamarampage will write again

I mean, yes. And trying to get them to agree that he doesn’t have to do the two worst parts of the job (put up with members of his Party who are essentially rabid dogs who just read Atlas Shrugged and would like to tell you all about it, and fundraising - despite one of those being a beast that he had a hand in

I do feel this way - I love working, and I got a late start in my career due to a long education (and I’m STILL not working in the field I want to be in!) so currently my plan and hope is that I’ll be able to stretch my career to 70 - if I can, I’d certainly go longer.

Frankly, I feel that my current frontrunner for this potential future argument (“When you grow a vagina to push it out of, it can have your name”) might actually lead to a divorce.

It got lost far, far downthread, but one of my Czech friends’ wives hyphenated, and her new last name is 8 syllables long. It’s just not a workable solution even in the short term in some cultures.

This is the major flaw of this outfit - you have to stand like that otherwise it makes less sense, and with your arms thus occupied, you don’t have a hand free for a drink, which goes against the whole spirit of Halloween!

The genealogists who will, in the future, be working with the most exhaustively complete archives the world has ever known, because of how pervasive record-keeping and public information has become.

I’m in exactly this situation - I adore my father, and I’m not giving up his name, or changing it for something with a hyphen. That’s not even a conversation. Anyone I marry is welcome to become a Lastname, but I’m going to be a Lastname forever.

Hyphenating is just starting to be a thing you CAN do in the Czech Republic, and really highlights the problems with doing so elsewhere. One of my friends’ wives hyphenated, and her new surname runs to 8 whole syllables, which is a hell of a mouthful. I fully support creating a new name if hyphenating gets unwieldy.

Who can blame anyone? They’ve had a really good, long run, and they kept up an incredible working pace. I’d want a rest, too!

This is great to hear - Turkish is routinely the cheapest option from DC to Prague, but that haul to Istanbul always put me off. Knowing it’s a pretty good experience will have me reconsidering.

Especially as the Secretary of State for the strongest/nosiest nation in the world. I can just imagine how well we’d be doing on the “fingers in every pie” front if we were depending on the expertise of exactly one person to make foreign policy decisions worldwide.

I love politics and have, I think, an exceptionally high tolerance for political bullshit, but I, even I, have reached peak couldn’t-care-less on this issue. Benghazi is the earthbound equivalent of people screaming to kill NASA funding every time a space shuttle blows up, as if the people involved weren’t well aware

My number 1 tip for traveling Europe in the winter: Don’t expect to see the sun. The winter I lived in Prague was the greyest 5 months of my life, and if it wasn’t for the sense of adventure keeping me buoyant my SAD would have been crippling.

I just did a WowAir flight to London. It’s SUPER budget - you get nothing for free, even water, although each seat does have its own electrical outlet so I was perfectly happy to play around on my phone the whole flight. However, the way the flights are broken up (~5 hours to Reykjavik, ~3 hours to London) meant that

If Lincoln Chafee was as successful in his home country as Rita is, he’d have a much better chance at being President.

... two months ago. It was obvious that long ago that Biden wasn’t going to run, and anyone who’s surprised by this announcement just doesn’t understand how things work. Say what you will about Hillary, she knows how politics work in this country. If she was ever stressed about this at all, she hasn’t been for a very

I respect your right to have an opinion but that man looks like the lowest-possible-rent Draco Malfoy cosplayer.

Well, you know, some of it is just structure. You wouldn't want to be the crazy gnawing on a dowling rod. And if you've ever actually tried fondant (we've all been tempted) you know it's disgusting.

The parts they assemble earliest probably aren’t meant to be eaten at all, and additionally that gross sheet-fondant stuff they use in place of icing does an amazing job of keeping stuff moist underneath - and also isn’t meant to be eaten.

We’re going to wind up with this dingus as VP, I just know it. I mean, I HOPE Clinton has the sense to choose someone who will be more helpful to her campaign and less an empty shrug on the ballot, but I suspect it’s going to be dingus all the way.