1llamarampage will write again

At the point where even the arresting officers are admitting it was a clock, using scare-quotes around “clock” is the fastest possible way to look functionally brain-dead.

Right? Ahmed’s parents have a kid they can be proud of, and it shows - did you see his family members in the background of his press conference? Overjoyed with their well-spoken kid.

Oh, absolutely go to hell. You can’t tell me in essence to suck up abuse and do my job with one breath and then pretend that isn’t what you said with the next, all the while trying to cover your ass you so expertly showed in public and whining about how People! Are just! So! Terrible! You just can’t stand it!

Because, what, that never happens?

I just got an Air BnB for like $80 a night in fucking Park Slope, Brooklyn, one of the most pretentiously-overpriced neighborhoods on god’s earth, so I literally can’t imagine what would have to be on offer for me to think $400 would be worth it. The amount of amenities that would have to be present would be pointless

Oh, right, sorry, I must have fucking hallucinated 8 hours a day, 5 days a week for 2.5 years.

Nah, they know they got caught doing something SO wrong that the only way they can hope to scrape by is by continuing to play it straight. Every somewhat-legit answer to why they did this just brings 20 more uncomfortable, unanswerable questions. Their literal only way through is to stick to the path they’ve chosen

They won’t do this because they’re too stupid to admit they’re wrong, but even this explanation wouldn’t fly at this point - as many people have pointed out, if you think someone has a bomb, you don’t fuck around with it in the room while you waste time interrogating the kid, you evacuate the school immediately and

As for books, I like Michael Pollan very much and think he’s very accessible, and two writers called Roger Thurow and Scott Kilman, who wrote on Africa, agriculture, and development for the WSJ for decades, compiled their experience with recent work in the development field when they wrote Enough: Why the World’s

The things you “didn’t hint at” goes hand in hand with the thing you did. It was a problem in need of a solution, and a problem that stopped as soon as I did what I did.

You’re absolutely right. When I signed up for a minimum-wage job, I also signed up for being sexually harassed by mouth-breathing men, yanked from my current tasks by impatient assholes, condescended to by every woman who wants to reassert her authority over me, and faux-befriended by every yon wandering by, all using

I’m aware? And it’s not really relevant to the discussion, so it’s not your business.

I love Taylor, but I also thought the early-00’s taught us all that circling the entire eye with liner isn’t a good look?

“Not to be rude or whatever” has to be the least effective way to hide being a jackass in public.

Sure, but if the request is made and not acknowledged, it’s not your job to get all excited about How Other People Raise Their Kids. If it bothers you that much, don’t hang around them, or try being reasonable and realize you can’t have everything your own way.

When I worked retail, people would insist on calling me by my first name, either to build false intimacy or to force me to give them my attention when I was already helping people ahead of them. Eventually, I got my boss to print me a name badge that read Ms. Lastname.

Frankly, it’s pretty creepy to insist that other people’s children do anything to your exacting specifications all the time. I mean, make your preferences known if you feel that goddamn strongly, but unless they’re literally raising their children to murder people with power drills it’s none of your business.

I guess the Canadians are happy enough to keep their involvement quiet these days, same as I would if I’d burned down my neighbor’s house and then 150 years later they got an atom bomb.

She’s gotta be from the UK, right? Last I heard, the Canadians never burned anything but campfires.