1llamarampage will write again

My cousin had a registry where you could buy “shares” in stuff as well as buy it outright. My dad and I together chipped in a few shares for the downpayment on her house, and bought her dining room table as well, and I thought it was very sweet and romantic, to help a couple get their first home and the table they’re

Also, for those of us who can’t attend weddings, a higher-priced option is a nice way to salve the guilt.

Just remember, you only get in trouble for murdering people if they can find a jury to convict you.

Right? One of my very dear friends is getting married on a day I’m not able to attend (it’s very low-key and small, and all the invitations were given verbally, by which point I had already planned a vacation). I adore this lady and want to get her something that she’ll be able to look at forever, and remember that I

Good to know that it’s calculating, hypocritical evil to blame, and not something forgivable like lack of opportunities or a bad upbringing.

I read this and immediately thought of the marijuana fight and how I feel the same about this as I do about that - legalize it, regulate it, and tax it, for the love of god. I don’t feel like pearl-clutching about morals in this lifetime, and we can put the money into some net good, like improving education or sending

Who the fuck defrauds the people they brought into their high-level crime? Like, if you need a patsy, that’s fine, but you don’t fuck over a patsy and let him live. No wonder these morons got caught.

She’s been treated in myriad racist ways since the beginning of her career, including before she said that in 2009 a full decade into her presence on the national scene, but sweetheart, it is so cute that you think that. The sweet naivite of children never ceases to warm the cockles of the heart.

I think I had the same results, and probably from the same quiz (isidewith.com being pretty much the unimpeachable standard these days). The reality is Sanders has an amazing track record and a long history of being consistently, extremely progressive. But he is not really THAT different from Clinton anymore, and he

Right? I’m so sick of every Dirtbag article about Rita Ora all like “lol whoever that is” like how dare she not be popular here in this country? Not every British act that does shows in the U.S. has to be the next Beatles. Having a superstar career in your own country and popping over to do a few U.S. club shows when

Exactly. This is also why Boehner is bloviating about “doing everything in our power to stop this” while there is, in reality, nothing they can do to stop this, and he and I and everyone knows they’ve got about 25 million other, more important things to get to in the next 2 months. They don’t actually want to scupper

I can’t wait until that money runs out. It may take a minute, because we love nothing more than throwing money at idiots who won’t shut up, but with 5 kids, none of whom have any skills or talents, it’ll happen. The schedenfreude will be delicious.

I think all of the pageants have the gloss of offering scholarship money to the winner, as though the payout pittance isn’t laughable and totally outweighed by the money spent on dresses, training, and beauty treatments. I would absolutely watch a black-tie science fair/debate team/art project pageant, though. If it’s

I can’t help but think that dear Cathy would be better off putting all her energy into getting a job rather than merging her life and finances with another underemployed person.

I agree. I don’t think the major problem is actually that the Aunt’s kid didn’t get a gift - it’s the irresponsibility that “Catherine” showed, both in not finishing college and financially, and the consequences this has had for the Aunt. It’s pretty clear that the Aunt is pissed as all hell about that situation, and

I mean, I could have just posted a single word, “Black,” and it would have covered all the bases, but brevity is really only the soul of wit if you’re writing in complete sentences.

I have never once said you made a judgmental comment, and I was on-topic insofar as I agreed with everything you said, and added my own experience to that agreement, as is common on opinion-based websites with an active commentor base. But believe me, I am seriously ruing the day I ever opened myself up to this

Um, no. The “you” in the comment wasn’t addressed to you. As I’ve said. It’s the generic “you,” meaning it is addressed to hypothetical people who do in fact judge people. It’s very common in informal English.

In that case I recommend taking some of that empty work-time and reading the Wikipedia article on the use of the Generic You in English. It will be both entertaining and informative. Also, you could replace all uses of “you” in my original comment with “one,” and while the comment will then seem more formal, it may

I can’t imagine how slow your day at work must be to be picking a fight with someone who was, again agreeing with everything you said, because of a mis-reading.