1llamarampage will write again

Serena Williams is a tall, black, proud woman who has been dominant in her sport for so long that other people’s careers have risen from and fallen back to nothing while she has stayed consistently on top, only occasionally matched and then only by her own sister. I’ll give you 3 guesses as to which one of those

My comment is only weird because you’re reading “you” in it as YOU-you, whereas I meant it as the plural/metaphorical “you” referring to the types of people who judge others for staring at their phones. I was, in essence, agreeing with your statement that people have been staring at entertaining things since the

Also Leo and Kate are friendly still, so she and her husband are good choices to josh Leo as a joke.

Once they gave Anne Hathaway an Oscar for 15 minutes onscreen in a pretty terrible film, I stopped pretending to care. I know Anthony Hopkins got one for less, but he was superb, as was the entire film he was in. And I like Anne Hathaway quite a lot! But I can’t get behind giving out awards for someone’s oeuvre rather

I re-read Anna Karenina on my phone. When I go on vacation next month, I’ll be reading In Search of Lost Time on my phone rather than lugging a whole 4,000 page volume around the world. I mean, I spend as much time liking friends’ selfies on Facebook as most people, but you don’t know what people are doing on their

True story, my best friend in high school worked at the Renn Faire when we were 15-16, and I was SO. Jealous. My parents wouldn’t let me (I was pretty much a shut-in in high school, not by choice) and I was jealous that she got to dress up and meet strangers and make money - the whole bit. Now, I realize that she must

People who are wet for Sanders to win have to be theatrically outraged or disgusted by everything Hillary says or does, because how else do they justify potentially splitting the vote and giving the country to Bush or Walker for someone who voted the same as her 95% of the time they were both in the Senate?

I’ve confused myself, because Ted Cruz is a hard no, but Will Forte is a favorable maybe, despite the fact that they could be twins. I guess I care about politics enough that it matters, even when we’re talking about people who are functionally the same in appearance.

They don’t. The article is saying you go for a once-yearly, all-in-one exam paid for by your employer. Because she was unmarried, the woman was given a thorough checkup but was going to leave out the gynecological exam.

Turning Miss America into a black-tie science fair is literally the only way I can think of to make me think of it as anything other than disgusting.

I lived for a while in Sudan, which has many of the things mentioned in this article in common with China - the ready availability of both birth control (less than $1 US for a month) and abortions, for example, but very little available knowledge about human sexuality, and a LOT of stigma about sex out of wedlock. My

I get thinking she’s dumb as fuck, but I can totally be missed by the level of vitriol that’s being aimed her way. It’s stupid, but it’s not a whole lot stupider than a lot of things other people do that I think are worthless.

I’d love to go back for short stints, have some experiences, answer some questions, meet some people. But as for where I’d want to work and live and raise my family? Now or the future, hands down.

This reminds me of a convo I had with my dad last week. My dad was involved for several years in the annual big supply shipment to McMurdo Antarctic Base. At some point, the ship they’d used for years was going to be decomissioned, so they cleaned it out top-to-bottom, and in some storage locker they found a box with

The simile about the plastic bag is nearly Shakespeare.

I think the Phillips Collection is well worth the price of admission. I go about once a year if there’s a good exhibition on - and there usually is.

Red Velvet would never be so delightfully uncouth.

Dear god, if there was ever a time when I wished that “fired” really did mean “out of a cannon, into the sun.”

There’s a Mitchell and Webb Look skit about linden trees being planted in the late 1800’s, and Queen Victoria shocking everybody by announcing that they smell like cum.

The rest of us have to wait a little longer for that feeling, if we ever get it. I just got my first decent job, and I feel absolutely amazing and free and powerful when I go to the grocery store and remember that I don’t have to balance the things I need against my bank balance, because I have enough money to get