1llamarampage will write again

I agree with all this. I moved to Prague right after college (my first time traveling abroad except for a 2-month study abroad experience in London) and spent the first week a bit uncomfortable and unsure - part of it was that there’s graffiti everywhere in Prague, whereas in DC and Baltimore that’s a bit more of an

Good. You’re the 1 billionth person on this article alone to try to get salty about someone else’s perception with a single facile statement, while yourself lacking the perception to do a simple thing like proofread one sentence, so me and my 999,999,999 friends are doing god’s work. You people can’t be slapped down

Which is annoying, because I am going TO Orkney in a few months and expect to hire a car. Which I don’t anticipate traffic being busy enough that just being careful and paying attention won’t be sufficient, it would be nice to have tips for new-to-the-UK drivers.

Whenever my friend sees a spider or other insect in her house, she calls it “breaking contract,” as in, the contract says you can stay in my house as long as I never have to see you. If you break the contract, your life is forfeit.

Since early April, and every day I ask her what the hell I could have done to deserve such a good thing in my life. I try to be low-key and not crazy about it, but she is just the best, best girl.

No, the home visit was standard procedure for the agency because it was my first-ever cat. She was, I’m sure, mildly traumatized by being abandoned (she was obviously someone’s pet) but she settled into my home with no problems and is essentially the most precious, gentle thing to inhabit this cruel earth.

ALSO can I just point out that when I adopted my cat earlier this year, I had to have a home visit from someone vetted by the agency, who also gave me a talk about things I needed to have and do and be prepared for before I brought the cat home, AND I had to pay a fee, AND the fosterer talked to me a lot about what to

Also if his actual shoulders project even 50% as far as the built-up shoulders of his suit, I will eat ALL his shoulder pads.

On a certain level, it just does not matter, and on the other, I don’t understand how every one of the adults involved isn’t in jail forever.

This right here is.... not a good look. Did she try to apply it half-blind from the dumb red light in her bedroom?

I like that very much, too, but the red light in her bedroom is tacky and obvious, and also would have me tripping over shit in the dark literally all the time.

I’m concerned about this for a trip I’m taking in October - dream vacation/30th birthday jaunt to London, Orkney, and Norway, that was only possible because Kayak’s flight alert made me aware of an insane round-trip deal between DC and London. I’m flying back from Orkney into London City Airport, because it was cheap

You’re so strong. I would have gone the easy route and killed her, then gone to prison for 15-20 years for killing her. Still easier than getting a moron to admit they’re wrong or change their ways.

Exactly. My friend is like, But with SoundCloud you can hear almost any song you can think of, any time you like! Which is true as long as you don’t, for example, mind being able to hear Taylor Swift’s entire oeuvre one day and literally nothing the next. It’s an extreme example, but the same thing happens all the

I literally said, It’s like Hamlet, you already know that everyone dies! I can’t remember how or if he tried to rebut that, because it is rebuttal-proof.

And you might want to re-evaluate how deeply your opinion is valued or needed in this and possibly other instances.

I’m not confused about this, however you have to admit that getting countries like Sudan and Finland to work together on something like this is a hell of a lot more complicated than getting two countries with more shared history and culture together. Also Finland, like a number of EU countries, has a consulate but not

Thank you. I needed this information.

I licked a triceratops skull. Just on the point of one of the horns. I have lived half of my life since then and done many, many interesting things, but that still may be the one I’m proudest of.

It’s funny because one of the only reasons I can see myself getting married is to get a red passport (I have a degree in International Relations and have lived long-term outside the U.S. twice, and am desperate to have the experience again) but talking to that woman gave me a real eye-opener about how complicated