1llamarampage will write again

It’s a tragedy, and I think international law has a LOT of catching up to do, because as we become more mobile this sort of thing is just going to keep happening, over and over. Even between people of good will and good intentions, divorces can get messy and recriminative.

That’s Capitalism! If you don’t have any $ and you get murdered, no one cares, and if you do have $ and get murdered, that’s your fault for being a food and not buying things to keep yourself safe!

Never forget that study after study has shown that your chances of successfully defending yourself with a gun are vanishingly small compared to the very real chance that the gun will be taken from you, and used to victimize either yourself or somebody else.

I had, and have, the greatest respect for the woman in Sudan. I don’t know anything about Kelly Rutherford. I hope she’s doing her best.

Tell this to my ex-boyfriend after I “spoiled” Pride and Prejudice.

Gueeeessss who’s not competent to keep the job they’re paid for!

“Until I can have a solution to the problem I care about, I demand that we create as many new problems as possible so that people pay attention!”

Which is one thing they have in common with social Darwinism.

While this is excellent life advice-not-a-hack, this does seem to be somewhat outside of the spirit of the 30-minute meal.

Not good dinner, certainly, and not for more than me. Even a salad from scratch involves enough cutting to eat up 45 minutes, and that’s not counting if you have to cook a protein to go in it or want to make the dressing yourself.

Not nearly as efficient as my preferred method, which is culling all those who cite social Darwinism while misspelling homophones.

I fear the forehead-wrinkle of frustrated confusion that many Gawker comment interactions seems to have permanently etched in my face will overcome any benefit imparted by my cup-runneth-over pores.

Because both of the unpaid internships I worked offered something more than a vague notion of “experience,” as I mentioned in the very first sentence? Or were you so busy tripping over your tongue at the chance to get salty that your reading comprehension couldn’t keep up?

Literally the worst thing I ever heard was sitting next to the Greek Club pool in Khartoum, Sudan. I got talking with the lady on the sun lounge next to me, as you do, and it turned out she was Finnish and had been in Khartoum for 6 months. I was curious and asked her how a Finn came to live in a country that is the

If you’ve never gone on the pill, I recommend it. I still get approximately 1 cyst a month, but they don’t last as long and they don’t leave marks anymore. Of course, I never could afford it until I went to Sudan and bought months and months worth for less than $1 a pack, but hell, it’s been such a godsend to me.

It’s a pretty serious complaint, to say you were doing all the stuff that goes into a full-time job, but were receiving zero-time money for it. Even the paid intern sitting in the cubicle across from me doesn’t do anything LIKE that stuff, and he’s about as go-getter and self-overworking as they come. And again, he’s

Well, tough times are ahead, but the nice thing is that they’ll pass and at the end you’ll have two upstanding, competent young adults to be proud of! Also, I did slightly exaggerate, one of my college friends was that strange white whale of a kid who literally was (and is) a 40 year old in a teenager’s (now

I worked a few unpaid internships, but they were awesome (Smithsonian Natural History Museum databasing a library and organizing specimens - it’s still on my resume even though it has nothing to do with my current career, just because it was so cool) and/or provided SOME compensation, like commuter benefits.

I’m turning 30 this year and still have the occasional acne outbreak. I’m never thankful for that, but if it’s got to be that or the Olsen look, I’ll just buy stock in Clearasil and be grateful.

But you don’t do it for no compensation, including no academic or vocational credit. While the plaintiff may be playing up the seriousness of the overwork aspect to make her case more sympathetic, it’s pretty clear that what she did went far beyond ‘volunteerism’ or resume-building or whatever bullshit people will