1llamarampage will write again

Just one more deeply compelling reason to travel alone.

If you’d be flying out of or through DC, WOW air, a budget Icelandic airline, just started flying into BWI and has some INSANE deals so that people know they’re there. I’m going on a dream trip (London-Scotland-Norway) over my 30th birthday in October, 100% because I was able to get round-trip tickets to London for

One of the best times I ever had in my life was at the Castle Rock hostel in Edinburg - a 12-lady room in a Georgian mansion right at the base of the castle, which amazingly was having the rehearsals for their yearly military tattoo while I was there, which includes a light show and live music and all sorts of things.

I was in Sudan for a full year and fine, but you would. not. believe. what some people said to me before I go. They kill women over there, don’t you know?

I have never started a conversation that way, but I have definitely shut a few down by saying, “I’m asexual. If I actually wanted to fuck you, I wouldn’t actually do it, because I’d be too busy re-evaluating my whole life and all my choices up to now.”

I think you will find that the spelling of her name is the problem of every thinking human being in this nation.

Remember those halcyon days when to successfully put on airs or be pretentious you had to have a basic working knowledge of the culture you were pretending to? I don’t know who to blame for this deterioration in standards but mark my words, they are going to be getting a very sternly worded letter from yours truly.

THANK YOU this is literally the worst thing about her. I mean, there’s many terrible things about her but this is the one that starts a feeling of rage in the pit of my stomach that slowly claws its way up the back of my throat to choke me, you know?

Also, if you are an expert, it can be the most simply devastating.

I will never ever get over the fact that she’s got the wrong fucking accent over the last e in her name enough to ever, ever take a single word out of her mouth seriously.

Many of these submissions were anonymous, and have been edited lightly for typos and clarity.

If his trouser waistband is more than 3 inches below his nipples I will personally shit a brick.

I love it, but it needs a spellcheck.

“I didn’t click any of the bright-red links to the multiple studies that show my facile conclusion is misguided, but I have an opinion and a god-given right to be a dire blowhard where other adults can see me!”

The most beautiful bride I ever saw was this girl in Sudan who wore this gleaming silver net wrapped around her plain white dress in the style Sudanese women wrap their thobe - I’ve never seen anything like it, and believe me, I’ve looked. Her mother told me she had it made specially because she didn’t want a

This is why keeping Cosmo from kids will be such a blow for their business - no one who’s set foot on a college campus actually thinks you can get worthwhile sex, relationship, or fashion advice from that rag.

Not sure what this has to do with the fact that the article was more about how science works and doesn’t work than it has to do with being pro-tobacco, but you’re clearly on a crusade here and it would be rude for me to interrupt you when you’ve got so long to go before Jerusalem.

You’re awfully mad about an article that is more about how science can be inconclusive than it is about one specific subject.

I agree, those pin holes are awful, but it’s how they constantly misrepresent their opponents in order to score political points that I find so objectionable.

Individually, sure, but as a movement, white feminism is a hell of a lot more guilty of seeing “progress” in what is actually gross personal gain than black feminism.