1llamarampage will write again

It is impossible to be a “conservationist” who shoots endangered apex predators - which, in Africa, is all the apex predators. If you want to go shoot a wildebeest because you can’t find anyone else to help with the measuring tape but simply must show how big your dick is, fine. But don’t go shoot a lion or an

The saddest part to me is reading a Jezebel article lambasting someone for a typo, when articles on all Gawker entities regularly go live riddled with errors (typographical, factual, you name it!) that are often never addressed regardless of how many times they are pointed out.

I would burn every shirt put in front of me. Out of spite. Because I am fucking spiteful.

Like they would. A Minnesotan’s angriest protest is a softly-spoken “Hey, now...”

Great. I hope you live on the coasts. The people who live in the middle of this country, however, tend to take umbrage to people in New York making all the national decisions for them, and since we actually have to take those people into account as full citizens of this country, we have the system we have.

Just so long as you understand that it’s not any better anywhere else, and that given the realities of America, it works better than almost anything else could.

In a certain sense, yes, because if you draw all the districts so that the Republicans are clustered with the Republicans, then by default the Democrats are clustered with the Democrats, and both groups are clustered in ways that benefit them.

There is a great Wikipedia article describing the Electoral College system and why it was put in place. I suggest you start there. That’s the long answer, but it will be good for your soul to iron out how electing the president works in this country. The short answer is “The Supreme Court was worried that the country

You need to break her spirit. I started cursing with increasing vehemence and frequency at age 12, and by 15 my mother herself had run out of fucks to give over that losing battle.

Just when you thought Santorum was out of the race altogether, he still finds a way to make a contribution, and make his name felt on the lips of all good Republican voters.

Right. People are never raped, accidents never happen, and birth control is 100% effective in the Rainbow Brite world you live in where people practice abstinence long-term, and unicorns shit sparkles into your corn flakes every morning. Which is also, incidentally, the only world where what you just did is called

ALSO just while we’re on the subject, I would like to make clear to the rest of the commentariat that any time an anti-abortion person distinguishes between cases of rape and incest and other, “nastier” abortions, you know you are talking to a hypocrite and a liar who actually has no deep thoughts on the subject other

Lol man I wouldn’t trust to help me extract a blackhead wants to talk about the ways and means by which I extract a fetus from my body. Tragic, yes, but funny also yes.

You’re totally correct. He’s still taking a shit out of his mouth and calling it speech, but the people who elected him almost certainly knew what they were getting in for - I can’t imagine his views on the subject were kept secret until now.

It’s been happening for years and is totally legal, but suddenly someone on the right twigged what was going on and realized what a *shocking* thing this would be, and how useful to whip to a froth those who already agreed with them, but whose rabid fervor had been lagging of late.

If I am pregnant and you force me to carry it to term, you are impacting my health care, whether the pregnancy is “safe” or not. A full-term pregnancy has a mental, physical, and emotional cost that women who want to give birth sign on for. If I do not want to pay those costs, having an abortion is in fact a matter of

they didn’t hire me because I seemed “too gentle to be able to handle the stress”...

I’ll be buying a ticket to get a closer look at that amazing sweeping low wide-brimmed hat alone.

I’ll put that in my box labeled “To Care About When I Care About Making Men Happy” along with ‘shaving my legs regularly’ and ‘getting good at giving blowjobs’.

I actually once had an acquaintance tell me she hung around me because she was fascinated by my speech patterns. “It’s not my sparkling personality?” I asked. Nope. Speech patterns. I thought she was my friend.