
While not a huge risk, a woman can pass herpes to her infant during childbirth, and the ramifications can be quite dire if the infection occurs in the infant's eyes. Herpes definitely should be considered more than just an aesthetic/comfort issue. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neonatal_…

Always a short skirt, though, and who can blame her? KILLER stems on that girl.

Hell, that big orange tabby is demonstrating mine! :D

I'm also in my forties and adding sagging skin, the beginning of wrinkles, adult acne due to fluctuating hormones of pre-menopause, and a waning metabolism to an already body-dysmorphic psyche has been tough, to say the least. Having true friends, and a great partner, help keep me based in what is actual life, and

May the Lord bless you for this post, Dodai! Provided a much-needed minute of levity whilst my 8 year old son and I remain stuck in the Dallas-Fort Worth airport.

I care that he did porn with Farrah's butthole. Negative double bonus points. :(

It's like a living, breathing, feline s'more! O.o

My 8 year old is still convinced that if he oversplashes while playing in the bath, the water will seep through the floor to the joists and the whole tub will collapse through to the basement, and will probably bring the walls down on top of him.

How 'bout pointy nails? Can we be finished with them, too? Maybe I'd lose this tic I developed right around the time Lana del Rey got super popular....

gave candyflipping a whirl a couple of years back; it was quite something. no real horror story to tell, though i did end up sitting under a dj booth for a half hour or so thinking i was somehow feline, but i did ok just going with that. the comedown/next day, though, sucked something awful; the mild malaise that

mostly. i've experienced some amazingly intimate moments (physically/esoterically/emotionally) with my partner while rolling, but we've also had a couple of adventures that ended in an inability to climax (for me) and/or not being able to maintain an erection (for him). wasn't a big deal, still fun; but the substance

blah blah blah PHARRELL /swoon/ /die/ sighhhhhhh....

Ava #corrections

Not only short, but it looks as though she has more athletic thighs and upper arms than typical models...i.e. there probably isn't any gap between her thighs if she was standing straight and facing the camera head-on.

Ha! Excellent Fitzgerald reference.

because here on jezebel, if the author of the article is age- or body- snarky, it is ok for the commentariat to be age- or body- snarky. otherwise, we have to play nice.

Can we call it cramp control, then? I've never laughed so hard in my life as hearing that my step-daughter (a lovely 16 year old...and in a relationship with her first boyfriend) was taking birth control for 'cramps'. I have no problem with her being smart about her sexuality, but honesty would be nice, too. We talked

I feel about diamonds the way i feel about fur coats: i don't want a new one, but if one exists that no one is using, i'd rather not see it go to waste. Meaning that I have my great-grandmother's mink jacket, and my amazing boyfriend (now fiancé) procured an engagement ring for me from a photo i found on the web and

i don't know....first the string of Ecstasy-related deaths in Alberta earlier in the year...then that hack 'em up porn star fellow in Montreal...now this...sounds like a regular Sodom and Gomorrah up there...

Right?? Hair, schmair....please let dubstep be over. PLZZZZZZZ. (I <3 you but I've Chosen Techno)