#1JLM fan

People weren't paying any attention whatsoever to when T2 was filmed (summer of '16).

Awwww he got a 2nd one year chip.

The majority of Season 4 is really good. If you only watch a couple episodes of Season 4 you could watch the Superhero-themed episode called "You've got me, who's got you?" and an episode called "The Game is Afoot" that has some excellent dialogue and more of Sherlock & Alfredo's friendship.

I thought it was Keith. lol

He sounds good to me too.

I think they decided to do the Moriarty arc in S1 simply because there was no guarantee that there would be any other seasons. Loved it! I thought they brought her back to the show too soon though (mid- season 2).

Highly emotional moment between Mycroft and Sherlock. I love their scenes together.

Yes it was probably some reinforcement that that she got the info from an outsider first, that Mycroft didn't iniitate telling her what happened.

Yes I want him (Agent McNally) back too! Great actor!

Gregson: "He has a …process."

My DVR didn't record it.

What will they think of next? LOL!