1 iron

We're minions!!!!

You mean I can't just build one in my bedroom with some camera strobes and an alarm clock?

New to the 2015 Dodge minivan line.....

I bet this guy knows something about it...

The rocks in the background the Vasquez Rocks Natural Area, has appeared in many many TV shows and movies like this one.

Added bonus: this stylish shirt will also make you invisible to women.

Kind of what I'm thinking. If for some reason you were a bored space going civilization that was preoccupied with jumpstarting life in your galaxy, you tether a giant asteroid, get it moving at a planet that needs a bit of "umph" for the eventuality that some basic amino acids land on it a billion years later and

I don't like how athletic gear has gotten so loud in the last few years. Everything has to have bright colors and bold patterns and scream "LOOK AT ME! I'M FUCKING RUNNING!". When I bought my last pair of Nike Free 3.0s I had to pay extra for Nike ID because all I wanted was black/grey/white shoes, and at the time

Closer and closer to the starship environment of Star Trek. What amazing times I'm living in. Back in the 80s we never imagined even a flatpanel (LCD) TV could ever exist. Such things were the stuff of science fiction dreams.

I always thought that the houses from The Incredibles are amazing!

If you take a close look... the Millennium Falcon? What?

They're definitely digging in the wrong place!

Everyone remembers that moment in Temple of Doom when Darth Mola Ram appears...no? Just me then.

How did I miss this classic Easter Egg:

Does it come with cutoffs?