No mention of a documentary crew making a show about this. Definitely would watch.
No mention of a documentary crew making a show about this. Definitely would watch.
Can the darksaber cut beskar?
Lil Sweet Vengeance’s face looks, um, almost presidential.
Awesome movie - glad to see it staying in the conversation. I recently showed it to my 11 year old daughter and she proclaimed it is her new favorite movie!
This article reminded me of JD PowerRawd.
Park Williams, a tree ring expert....
Get off my lawn.
G.I Joe is both one of the cheesiest....
Reanimate that thing!
1974 checking in. Good comment.
Apple, buy Disney already. It’s right there.
I run Spotify on a desktop and use Airfoil to broadcast to numerous speakers at once in my home. Buy once, cry once.
Notch elimination?