1 iron

We take gooey chicken or turkey skin and broil it on a cookie sheet until it is crispy. Works like a charm.

And they still have him in Toon Town at DLand.

I like baby Groot.

Hey directv, as an ex customer (2006) and current cord cutter, admittedly you got my attention with this. But I remember how you ‘gym membership’ the shit out of your services and these ‘get them now’ deals quickly begin to suck. ‘...subject only to future reasonable programming price increases applicable to all

It’ll be interesting when he is up against ‘real’ republicans and he has to contemplate their wishes based on his promises. He’s a fiscal conservative and a social liberal. Like the Governator.

Made Another Gaffe Again

You’re really milking this.

Teflon Don with a front row seat.

An attempt to point people to buddhism - which is a very good idea.

Those comments are obviously a microphone problem.

He probably decided to go back to basics.

What else do we really need?

I actually, literally lol’d when I saw this. Neck back and everything.

I hope there is a dental tool also for the patient in the video.

Anyone remember Marineland in So Cal? They had that attraction where you could snorkel through what was essentially a huge aquarium. With sharks too!

Can we re-hash ‘reality distortion field’ from Steve Jobs for this guy?

Thank you.

I grew up there. Hope everyone makes it out ok.