1 iron

I enjoy me beef. But horse, nay.

Crane, crane go away........

This could also be a move to environmentally offset their construction of new buildings. Its common in California. If you are building on 10 acres of land for example, you ‘save’ 20 acres somewhere else. It’s a mitigation bank for construction.

Is that Michael Myers on the top left or someone in Slipknot?

Who is this ‘you’ the video speaks of?

I’m sad, we only get these flybys on our beach.

Not the first memory but did anyone’s elementary school collect pennies to ‘re-coat’ the Statue of Liberty? (1984-ish)

I was in sixth. Same reaction. All classes were called and shown the footage right after it happened. I wonder if they would do that without parent’s consent these days.


That’s reverse drowning right there.

What’s the MPG?

99 bottles of beer on the wall..................................................................................................

Intergalactic LP for ever

So will the chaplain be Yoda or Vader? So many questions.

iTunes Music now has a Classic Alternative option. Damn....... I’m officially old.

Thank you for making this. Love it.

We went on Space Mountain last year and I had my arms up and my fingertip grazed something mid-ride. I’m no orangutan, but I do wear crocs.