
Maybe, but I think the Court is on the side of LGBTQ rights nowadays, at least by a slim majority. But most people in the state are pretty ticked. Luckily I don't live there any more, but my mom called me to berate me for being pro gay marriage.

I worry about corporate religion because a narrow ruling by the Court rarely stays narrow. Pennoyer v. Neff, which states you can only be served for a lawsuit in the state in which you are present, turned into International Shoe which requires minimal contacts with a state to be sued there, which turned into a

How would you handle issues beyond contraception? Scientologists are also required to purchase health insurance. Scientologists oppose mental health care, which is an essential health benefit mandated to be covered by all insurance plans?

The Civil Rights Act forces businesses to serve those of a different race.

Good news. One more state's ban was shot down today! And an amazingly conservative one at that!

My health insurance covers prostate exams. I do not have a prostate. I'm required to have maternity care coverage, even though I don't plan on ever giving birth.

It sets a dangerous precedent that could leave us only privy to the health insurance that our employers find within their religion. Scientologists could deny coverage for mental health. Jehovah's Witnesses can deny surgery and blood transfusions.

I'm embroidering this on a pillow.

It is the Supreme Court's job to interpret the Constitution (along with other federal laws.) Therefore, if the Court says there is a right to privacy implied, there is a right to privacy implied.