
My god, that's a lot of movies.

@crosis101: Not just blockbusters. In almost all cases, the vast majority of the budget is going to the actors, with a large chunk also going to everyone behind the camera. If films used volunteers, blockbuster budgets would barely break the thousands.

@JonnyP: Marvel is one of those rare companies that fails up.

@Pope John Peeps II: actors don't do royalties any more, because that's a great big scam. "End revenue" assumes that an "end revenue" exists - and trust me the releasing company's accountants will remove all trace of that every single time. Ask for royalties, and expect checks to roll in... for 2 dollars, once

@El Kabong: Yeah, look at it this way: hundreds of years ago when geology was first getting started, geologists were going around the earth collecting rock after rock from mines, thinking each new stone was a completely different stone than the last, simply because each one was different. Eventually, they had to

What amazing is that shot of the looming asteroid must be what MST3K spoofed for their logo. And I never knew!

@SentientMeat: No, you're not reading too much into it. The idea that you'd end up in somewhere in the middle of space (which is actually a joke in at least two time travel spoofs I've read) because of Earth rotation, orbit, the Sun's orbit, the Galaxy's rotation, etc...all assumes that there's such a thing as an

See, this is why comic storylines should run on explicit 5 or 10-year cycles. Because you know the minute some Lead writer gets tired of this set up, they're going to find the most retarded, contrived plot device possible to restore the status quo. Just like Marvel did with Spider-Man recently.

@Vesta: I've read all about the terrible things that happen to my food, but I still happily eat those things. I guess I'm just weird like that.

Wait, so things change more when Republicans have the majority?

I saw a girl dressed as the TARDIS at a Halloween party this year. At the time, I thought it was a very strange - if amusing - costume choice. Is this actually a common and popular thing to do?

@Obi-Haiv: That's probably good timing on their part, if he turns out to be a popular character on the show

@crosis101: G-Force was created around that time though.

The early form of Clayface does remind me somewhat of the characters in The Prestige, so this makes sense

@Nivenus: Yes, I too am curious if there is a definition of sophonce other than the one in Encyclopedia Galactica

@b33g33: Brown code is dominant, so Blue code is more rare. Aesthetically then, Blue fabricated eyes are better.

Oh great, the universe's terrain generator has a graphical glitch. Why did nobody catch this before release?! Where's the patch, damn it! It's been 13 billion years!

Wait, Green Hornet hasn't been released yet?? I just thought I missed it or something.