
Just running the odds, like any good gambler. Two earths are better than one! And ten are better than two!

@zark169: I believe the latter.

@roughneck117: Bruce Timm is the gold standard. "World's Finest" is just one of the many products of that. :D

@Beatcamel: Golden Girls + Murder She Wrote. A perfect solution. Or it would've been.

@Sousanator: A truly brilliant idea for a crossover. PLUS! They also crossover with the original comic book ninja turtles, which just makes it even better

Ah! I'm gonna be late! Stupid Pacific time zone bumping this into my workday...

@Red_Flag: I only read the first TPB of his Runaways, but I was impressed. Does it fall apart after that or something?

Aw, I kind of liked Iron Man 2, for what it was. But I can see how it could be lacking enough in content/quality to be considered bad. But this...this is not the point. The point is more fundamental than that.

@AngryEddy: This is something I've been suspecting for a while. Even back when Iron Man first came out and it was a hit, and IH was on the way, I was wondering if Marvel even had a clue what the hell they were doing.

I think it's hilarious that they imagine, on the one hand, that all crimes will happen on the COM-PUTE-R in the future, but also that COM-PUTE-R crime in the future will be more difficult to carry out than it was then...when there wasn't any.

@thelordmeatball: No, Cera was real. But her parents were just figments of her imagination.

@ScavengerMonk: I heard "3:10 To Yuma" was going to have a giant robotic spider in it, but then they hired Tudyk and everything changed. The man is a wizard.

@James7344: I take it as a given that anyone with the last name "Uber" is probably prone to exaggeration.

@Chaffro: In summation of the article: only YOU can prevent My Little Pony fires.

@kagekiri: Yeah, "abstinence or early death" is a difficult choice. But "chastity or early death" will just result in a mass extinction :p

@Steve Climaco: I...guess they're an acquired taste or something.

@Architectin: It's all about thinking in levels of infinity. You can say "there are an infinite number of universes exactly like our's." which is different from saying, "There are an infinite number of universes that are similar to our's." which in turn is different from saying, "There are an infinite number of

@corpore-metal: Whose nose, at the time, was a white hole! Problem: solved!

@amaraklov: A reasonable expectation, but a white hole is not the literal opposite of a black hole: