
It won’t be minimalistic enough for the Jalopnik truck crowd. Per the commenters around here, all trucks should be white, standard cab with a bench seat, full-length bed and all manual everything like daddy’s truck in 1952.

Pfft that is going to happen. Militaries are going to develop and deploy fully autonomous weapons in the future.

I played just over 202 hours of The Division. I wanted to keep playing but all of my friends quit sadly. Solo, the game is fairly boring. It had a kind of flawed RPG premise but it still has bar none, the best 3rd person gunplay in gaming right now. It is just exquisite how well everything handles. Stupid bullet

Pfft, Hydras, Defilers, lings and maybe a few scourges for the lulz will murder carrier noobs off the map.

Not on PC? Lame. Also what with the western American sounding German guy in the video? That’s an odd choice.

Nice work. I see you ruffled the feathers of a bunch of people who shamelessly use glitches and exploits to win cause they can’t hang otherwise.

Calm down Colonel Panic. Look at what they do. None of them are very powerful.

I spent about 12 hours in CTE messing around with the new guns and specializations. Not quite as spiffy as the old squad perk system but some of them are fun. Certainly not the end of the world that so many people are freaking out over. Most have very limited use. Nothing as stupid as the old juggernaut, deep impact

If you don’t see the problem with a foreign power meddling in our election then you are pretty fucking stupid. Painfully fucking stupid. Trump is a fucking traitor as is his shitty family and apparently most of his fucking staff.

Because he wants to get divorced at McDonald’s?

Have fun! It is such an awesome game. I am on my New Game+ run and the enemies are amped up even further.

For the same reason, I and many other people resent EA for forcing us to use Origin, because Steam is better. Though battlenet is at least less annoying than Origin so we have that going for us.

Oh look, another Jalopnik thread where a bunch of grumpy old curmudgeons bitch that about every truck that isn’t just like the beater they drove in the 50s.

I’m a significant way through the game and past the first four bosses and I have not encountered any invulnerable enemies from the front. There are big robots that take less damage frontally but there is nothing wrong with that. The staggers are complex. It matters where you hit the enemy if it is armored, what and

You unlock shortcuts through the maps that let you get back to bosses fairly quickly. Which is good because they are going to kill you several times.

The controls are very crisp and responsive. Tha animation speed depends on the weapons and armor involved. Some strike extremely quickly and some have a large windup.

It is a little counter intuitive but when you see the PAX winding up for an attack dash TOWARDS it. Unless it is about to stomp.If it is stomping get the hell away from it.

This game is awesome. I love the industrial sci-fi setting. Reminds me of Aliens and Dead Space. The combat can be extremely fast and very lethal. Learning the enemies and finding the right gear and weapons to best them has been so satisfying. Oh, and the maps are fantastic. Some people are raging about them but I

Right!? I just have so much fun with them and I think they are in a good place now. DICE has toned them down. In the beta they were four legged gods who feasted on fear and the bones of the trampled. You could hit a horse with a armored car and the car would explode and the horse would still be standing there in the

Hush you, Cavalry is hilariously fun and one of the best things to be in Battlefield in years. My murder-equine deserves no nerfs.