
The cars are programmed to slow down around small critters like birds and squirrels. It flatly says that in the article. The slowing down part would imply that they have a chance to move out of the way which the critters generally do. If they don’t, well that’s a little slice of natural selection. The issue for the

What the hell are you talking about? You realize that line in Happy Gilmore about him taking his skate off and stabbing a guy was a joke right? Do that IRL and your career would be over instantly. There have been a couple of throat injuries in hockey and none of them have been from a fight. All are clear accidents

No if you don’t have a syringe you the guy won’t see you as available for sticking them. That being said something I have learned as I have played more medic with my friends is that bodies aren’t synced. What you see on the death screen may very well be very different placement than what the medic sees. Though with