Ed Wood

That was the most clueless ad-hominem I have ever seen. Do you know anything about Thomas Jefferson?

Well said.

The question isn’t why is she so determined to fuck it up. It is why Democrats voting and caucusing during the primaries thought that such a thoroughly flawed and dishonest human being should be President.

What is your definition of evidence? That’s the problem, there is plenty of evidence, clearly documented evidence. She’s not well. Neither is trump. Vote Gary Johnson, athlete.

Not even allegedly. Hoax from the start.

I don’t care for Beck that much, but you pushing a fake meme like this clearly makes you a bigger ass-hole than he is.

I don’ know. My chocolate lab does retrieve obsessively.

“the poor are finally getting medical care”

“Have fun spending 60%....”

Expected to? Maybe it won’t?

I’m pretty sure there is some kind of parasitic alien in that shed.

Exactly. Rand criticized altruism. What is described above sounds like a big heaping bowl of misguided altruism.

“Yes, there’s no way of this leading up to abuse, cover-ups for anything...”

Bureaucratic incompetence, another, legitimate, reason to fear.

The first half emphasizes Space as a frontier. The Frontier is always dangerous. When one is on the Frontier, one is there alone. Without support, any event could be disastrous. Any story about the Frontier has the potential for drama. That is why Westerns were popular for so many years.

In real life the Government does that kind of thinking, not the “military force.”

Really, have you not noticed what has been going on in China, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Egypt, or countless other nations that are intolerant of individualism. Sure Handmaid’s Tale takes on one of America’s authoritarian subgroups, but it is about more than just women’s rights. It’s about what happens

Ayn Rand’s 1938 novel Anthem covers nearly the same themes.

Especially if they let Atwood guide it.