Ed Wood

Ford’s hand is still in it. He obviously knew about Rehobaum as it doesn’t seem to have ever been a big secret. 

Ford’s hand is still in it. He obviously knew about Rehobaum as it doesn’t seem to have ever been a big secret. 

I smell a push poll.

Worst case scenario is that economic growth will be 2% less by the year 2100 if we continue as is. I’m thinking that your “radical change” will cause far more damage than that. Given that fact, and the fact that things are changing, we do have the luxury of going slow.  

“Yes I agree,” said Thomas Malthus after being proven wrong for nearly 300 years.

Because past attempts to control whole national economies turned out so well?WTF is wrong with you people?

24 arsonists is a pretty big number in and of itself.

You do understand that capitalism is an economic system, not a system of government, don’t you?

Tens of billions? When? Show me some specifics. That is an outrageous claim. I’d be surprised if all of the industrial accidents in history added up to much over a million or two.

At least as far as American Beauty goes, you got the intended message when you watched it as a mature person. Kevin Spacey’s character was a messed up human being in a sea of messed up people. There were no heroes in that movie, and that was the point.

In the novels, the masses do afford it. Common people have a form of insurance they pay for to pay for a new sleeve when their current one wears out. In Altered Carbon there is a subplot about a Catholic movement that refuses the sleeves. Kovacs is appalled.

I’m rereading the novel. After being captured early in the novel Kovacs muses on how he will be tortured. Will they torture him in his current sleeve, place him in a weaker sleeve for the purpose, or do it in an artificial environment. He also mentions that there are artificial environments for treating PTSD like

It’s been awhile since I read the novel, but I remember everyone having “stacks” and the ability to receive a new sleeve, they just might not be able to afford a good model. The only ones who refused stacks, did so for religious reasons. Am I remembering wrong?

Because your poor understanding of statistics doesn’t justify the removal of my right to bear arms.

At least there are two of us.

The National political parties chose the two worst candidates in modern history, and you want to blame the Russians? The problem is not the Russians. It is the death grip the DNC and RNC have on US elections systems.

Good. Now do the exact same thing with Hillary voters. If you do it honestly, you will get the same bullshit.

“...so we can feel free to update things any day now.”

The problem is that the DNC and RNC make the rules for the rest of us.

But, we have that now.