
Having previously found basically every Kinja-using site to be terrible to the point of intolerability, (which is unfortunate, because I really like some of the writing on Deadspin and Jalopnik), I am unhappy about this change and I feel that it will negatively effect my enjoyment of this site. Good day to you sir!!

Having previously found basically every Kinja-using site to be terrible to the point of intolerability, (which is unfortunate, because I really like some of the writing on Deadspin and Jalopnik), I am unhappy about this change and I feel that it will negatively effect my enjoyment of this site. Good day to you sir!!

Great points.

Huge differences between the two of them. In many ways HP's brashness and undermining of rules acts more like Arya than Jon.

I was really hoping that the Night King would taunt Jon Snow, because him being a cocky asshole at the end of Hardhomme was great.

The argument of "pride" never made sense from his perspective. Dany is the one fueled by the prideful belief that she has the right to rule, he was motivated by obligation to his bannermen. Torumnd's argument that people wouldn't have died if Mance had knelt has literally no relevance once Dany agrees to work with

Given how much the show twisted itself into knots to make it seem like Jon was being prideful for not bending the knee, it appears as though the perspective of the showrunners is that Dany is the only person on the show, woman or man, who is allowed to want power.

We as the audience saw Arya successfully learn how to exercise that specific skill. We know that she understands the concept behind it because were told that she does.

"Most people don't consider that part of vampire mythos."

Jon… really isn't that conventional as a protagonist. He came from low-places, sure, but stuff like his willingness to bend that knee, non-tragic melancholic personality (veered off from a far more common stoic type), are pretty off-market for the typical protagonist character. Pride tends to be rewarded in these

The two aren't equivalent really. Sansa should certainly be experiencing terrible trauma, but Arya essentially walked into a cult that ended up beating the shit of her daily while specifically and explicitly attempting to destroy her identity and sense of self. One is not worse than the other, but Arya's problems shoul

Neither of them is being anything close to rational here. Unless this is a trap, there's no "right" here, there's just sloppy writing. The whole "Arya gives Sansa the dagger, then leaves her own room, and neither tries to solve their issues again" thing was the height of both characters not acting like real human

Karsi was excellent.

"I won the Battle of the Bastards, not Jon. Also, a lot of people died needlessly because I decided to not share that information, but that's neither here nor there!"

I feel like the only reason they did it was because they wanted to have a scene of Dany "waiting for him" on a symbolic widows walk, which is a scene they could have probably gotten to in more logical ways if necessary.

The whole "game of faces" thing Arya brought up is a reminder that she should understand whether Sansa is telling the truth the entire time. Arya acting agressive makes no sense when she should have the ability to decipher Sansa's motivations. Her entire character arc has been about being able to deceive people and to

Tyrion of course has no problem with the nobility refusing to surrender, expecting special treatment for them. He would never have put common soldiers in a cold cell to reconsider not surrendering.

Whatever the faults with Jon and Ned's actions, they are very much unlike those of the Lannisters'.

Arya being creepy for no reason other than to cause drama and Jon "bending the knee" for no reason after Dany had just pledged to work alongside him were both annoying nonsense.
