
I imagine a lot of people have had awkward moments where someone walks in on them watching a DDT match. Toilet piledrivers. Bread eating death matches. Kota Ibushi wrestling a blowup doll…

Faith Goldy. She just got fired by her scumbag boss (who is desperately trying to bail himself out) after it came-out she appeared on the Daily Stormer's podcast after the covering the Charlottesville rally. Surprise, the woman who openly supports the idea of White Genocide is super-racist! That episode, for the

New Japan Pro Wrestling is my go-to for payoffs right now. Watching the G1 I "knew" that Naito was going to win because of the multi-year redemption storyline, but I couldn't be sure, and so it was fantastic to see it happen. Next is Naito main-eventing the Tokyo Dome in January, and if/when he wins the payoff will be

ReBoot is a hugely underappreciated gem. One of the better examples of doing a good job with taking a darker direction, and one that had some great little explorations of themes like personhood and maturation through characters like Andraia and Enzo.

Kamandi is almost definitely showing up on Legends of Tomorrow sometime in the future, and I'm interested to see what they do with him.

I largely agree with what you're saying …except for the part about the style of wrestling being more diverse than American promotions. There's a tremendous amount of diversity across the U.S. wrestling scene, certainly far more than any single promotion anywhere in the world has.

The U.S. morality crackdown caused a steep decline in the diversity of American comic genres following the introduction of the Comics Code Authority. Superhero comics adapted well and ended up gaining a dominant market share.

There are no more professional wrestling fans left amongst the AV Club writers to provide that as their answer. :(

Drake does get called out on his enormous bodycount multiple times throughout the story. The game doesn't delve deeply philosophically into it, but Uncharted 3 essentially calls him out as someone whose addiction to treasure hunting has lead him to kill dozens upon dozens of people.

Difficulty may affect how you feel about the series. Uncharted 1 and 2 are lightly challenging games on normal difficulty and do a very poor job scaling their difficulty upwards.

Yes. Obviously we all agree that Guy Gardner is the best Green Lantern! but John Stewart is the best option for a JLA Lantern and as the premiere human Lantern. Gardner is just too awesome to be constrained by conventional team-driven narratives to fill that role.

Plus, he signed off on the arc in which it's implied the President was the head of the Secret Empire (a subsidiary of Hyrda, itself a spinoff of Nazis) and in which Cap rejects the idea of the actions of the United States as being 'necessarily good' simply because they're from the United States.

There's an article on Vox right now about a poll of alt-righters that identifies a large section of the alt-right as supremacists because they actively take part in activites that try and exert dominance over other groups, while the other group (which it refers to as populists, not nationalists) is more passive in its

Random note: Apparently Jefferson Davis spent time in Montreal after he lost the Civil War and so the United Daughters of the Confederacy had a plaque dedicated to him placed on the wall of the Hudson's Bay building there (because apparently he lived in a building that used to be on that site). After Charlottesville

I didn't think that Sansa and Littlefinger were standing anywhere close enough to hear Arya say that.

Genghis Khan committed acts of genocide. Who the fuck cares about the fact that he forged an empire.

"I'm not sure what sending them home would've accomplished; that isn't something that is typically done during times of war,"

"Killing your enemies who won't bend the knee is the established rule."

"But sure, she's willing to opportunistically deploy that stuff when formalism is on her side. "