
That's just it, Littlefinger's actions make no sense unless he made Arya earlier.

I thought that the actor playing Ward was easily the show's standout, followed by Henwick as Colleen. Joy was just okay for me.

People are shitting on Iron Fist because it was a shitty show, and the whole "you're just angry because he's not Asian" thing has been a dumb excuse since the day after reviews came out and pretty uniformly focused on other things.

"When a familial monarchic dynasty is overthrown by rebellion, any
remaining members of that family automatically lose any claim to rule by

"Is it?"

They are diverse, they're just not ethnically diverse. They have diverse backgrounds and heritages.

"I don't like the implied notion that in order to be rulers they have to dress like men."

This episode really started to get into "plots that could be resolved through conversations" territory.

"Popular vote" only exists in a system governed by explicit rules of order which all parties have equal access to. If Sansa turned the Lords of the North to her side after Jon entrusted her to lead in his stead it would be an usurpation.

Dany's claim to the North relies entirely upon the idea that it is her right to rule it as the rightful heir to the Iron Throne under the old system.

Littlefinger apparently borrowed some omniscience from Frank Underwood.

She seems less relaxed and overconfident and more highly tense and paranoid. I think your version would have been better. If we HAD seen her be over-relaxed only to get caught off-guard by Baelish's bait it would have been more of a demonstration of his skills than a failure of hers, and the success/failure on both

Arya being fooled wouldn't be a bad thing, but her being unable to conceal herself when she's trying to conceal herself is basic rubbish. There's no point in having her develop all these deceptive abilities if the one time she goes up against someone else who is deceptive she's suddenly shown to be Year-One level

Gilly was literally reading trivia (number of stairs, number of windows, etc) while Sam was obsessing over the very real end of the world. He had no in-universe reason to think that what she was saying was important, and we have no in-universe indication that she did either.

Nothing Michael Thompson said was a lie. You're the one who came off worse in that little exchange.

"Well, the dragons are her sword,"

" And worse, Jon didn't think to also say, "And your - I'm gonna say niece? - Leanna is the greatest." This last oversight especially makes me think the show isn't as feminist as it wants to be."

"Arya needs to prove soon that she's as smart as she thinks she is."

" Daenarys made a very fair, albeit harsh, offer: submit or die."

That would be pretty neat!