Bull Moose

In the US the Dems rolled into control of the Presidency and both houses of Congress by running a liberal candidate that appealed to blacks. Then said to themselves “Let’s not do THAT again!”

There was once a team that won eight titles in a row.

Nah, it’s more like some theoretical Sanders vs. Cruz.

You know what’s fun? Being stuck waiting for a shuttle in a dealership lobby with Fox News blaring on three screens. Here’s what I learned, in the 10 or so minutes I was stranded:

Windhorst said the Warriors go first so he has to wait a while to get interviewed so he’d rather just answer questions immediately afterward so he could leave.

It;s just bigoted but not racist. Muslims aren’t a race. They’re just simply billions of inbred under-70 IQ potatoes that can be convinced that blowing themselves up if a good thing.

At the very least, while the data doesn’t prove (though one can say it argues) that ‘more’ guns means less crime’, the narrative pushed by the authoritarian left that ‘more guns means more crime’ is demonstrably false.

Just ignore the aquarium gravel and look at the fish.

20 blocks and 10 steals for the Warriors, and 15 blocks and 15 steals for the Bulls near the end of the 3rd quarter.

Boy if I wasn’t about to say the same thing. Talk about a think piece that I saw coming a mile away. How predictable.

That is a good gif.

Post-liberal that is a centrist now...thanx to articles such as this. Liberals are just as far-left as right is far right.

Lol, what? Considering police officers volunteer for the position and are paid to uphold laws, they should never shoot first and ask questions later. If they’re so terrified, they should quit. End of story.

That’s a bigger point that you could write a case study on.

Moreover, while gun ownership has increased in this country, gun violence has dropped precipitously - nearly 50% in the last 20 years.

“Gun rights” is one of the best wedge issues the GOP has to run with to keep their narrative of a fear based society going.

The article completely glossed over the “corporate greed” story that was, more-so than racism, more-so than guns (which were symbolic of corporate power), the real story here.
Remember, the only person who died in Vulcan (other than V-man, himself) was a happy dumb factory worker killed by corporate bean-counters who

Agreed. Well said, Bull Moose.

She’s so full of shit. Like Trump, Griffin lives for publicity, good or bad. She did this knowing exactly what the reaction would be and she knew her career wouldn’t suffer because the Red Staters weren’t part of her fan base to begin with (she may have also thought that this would make her a hero to the left.) She