

LMFAO!!!! LOL :):):)...YA BEAT ME TO IT!

You Sir have won the Internet Comment of the Day...nay....WEEK AWARD!! LOL 😁

Fun read😁 tho’ sadly Crowely’s books make Million$ today an he’s revered as some “Misunderstood Enlightend Guru” seeking knowledge via his Holy Guardian Angel and fought Christian Society Norms to do so!....NOT!  🙄

This is a common argument (early century man encountering 21st century technology) supporting the idea a hypothetical Alien Intelligence is so far advanced we’d have no understanding or conception of it’s working components....however its a fallacy none the less. The laws of Physics & Mathmatics are universal ...1+1=2

Great Post! ...I just wrote one now along the same lines..OK with perhaps a lil less on the “Other Civilizations Existing” thang ...but the same realist REALIST approach.

No actually...Those #s have been around for years.. recent findings put the # of Galaxies upwards of 2 TRILLION ...in the OBSERVABLE Universe mind you...i.e. what we can “observe” so the # is assuredly higher than that. I wrote this long “Book of Luke” length comment on it above just now.

lol precisely

We’re Alone. Be cool if otherwise but the consensus held by people far smarter than I are beginning to lean towards this disappointing realization. Here’s why: For decades it was believed there existed some 200-400 Billion Galaxies in the O.U. (Observable Universe)..the new estimates based on recent research and

“There are more galaxies out there than stars”...huh?

Theee O.G...of the O.G.’s!