
Raised to believe Americans (viz. “Gentiles”) ‘are sub-human animals, Goyim, a mindless herd of cattle to lie to, cheat, rob, enslave, and kill, with impunity’ by rote weekly liturgy, Debra Messing appears to have difficulty recognizing the sovereign ‘El-ectorate’s’ (viz. ‘Chosen of God’), the sovereign American

Raised to believe Americans (viz. “Gentiles”) ‘are sub-human animals, Goyim, a mindless herd of cattle to lie to, cheat, rob, enslave, and kill, with impunity’ by rote weekly liturgy, Debra Messing appears to have difficulty recognizing the sovereign ‘El-ectorate’s’ (viz. ‘Chosen of God’), the sovereign American

Franken is raised in false-Jew “Rabbinical Talmudism,” which ritually abuses their young children to satanically bond them as debased sex perverts to the biblically denoted “de facto” “Synagogue of Satan.” Taught from birth they are “gods chosen by God to rule the world,” they believe we Americans, Black, White,

Been to Latin America? It’s all slums and brothels, priest-molested slaves, with a few rich families called “Latifundistas,” from the Latin “Latifundium”: “many lands in few hands,” like “coloni” used by the Fasces-bearing lictors on Golgotha building the Roman Empire on the mass terror from public crucifixions,

Been to Latin America? All slums and brothels, priest-molested slaves, with a few rich families called “Latifundistas,” from “Latifundium,” “many lands in few hands,” the organizational technique for the Roman Empire built on the mass terror from tens of thousands of public impalements of Christs and Christ Immanuel,