
And when it gets bored?

Han: Solo

+1 for Han Job

Bondesque titles: Live and Let (Chewie roars)

Han: Solo

Since the first detection was announced I’ve been wondering through what medium does with wave propagate? There’s a whole LOT of nothing between there and here. I just... what??

Body shaming over her neck... good job,

I was going to post something, but there is no point after seeing this and I am profoundly disappointed in myself for not thinking of it. Thank you for pointing out the futility of my life.

Because the Universe hates you?

Echo location via his laughter?

I have loathed the SFX in this season. It seems like they’re smoothing Dany’s forehead or blending her dark roots, cuz lord knows, she doesn’t actually USE any facial muscles to convey the remotest of emotions. Dickon looked odd... and the actors (Jamie and Sir whoever the Likable Rogue) were in a studio in one half

Balance might be brought to the Force by making it ubiquitous and not the realm of sycophants and zealots.

Sooo... black guy is the first to die...