
2 breaks a day to pump???? That’s absolutely amazing!! Seriously if you were offered even a basic level of humanity by any company you’ve worked for you should feel lucky. The last company I worked for offered short term disability leave for new mothers (4 weeks for vaginal birth, 6 weeks for c-section) and absolutely

Can any of us really blame him? For anyone out there unfortunate enough to have children, please have the common decency to take them to age-appropriate activities. (Hint: this does not include being on an airplane).

Oh my fucking god, they don’t let employees do anything, I can’t believe any of you are surprised about this. This isn’t a feminist issue, it’s a human issue. If you haven’t sat at your desk sobbing at some point then y0u haven’t been in the working world for very long. You show up when you have the flu, you show up