
It was drafted with assistance by the Center for Wingnuts who Can’t Add Good and Can’t Do Other Stuff Good Either.

I’ve been reading articles where Trump voters talk about how this health care will screw them but then say they are not sorry for voting for Trump. This reminds me of that experiment that time when they gave a rat a choice between pushing a button to get food or pushing a button to activate electrodes in his brain

He was making acid wash jeans.

yep...the problem was definitely on the outside, mama june.

The problem is that getting adequate healthcare in the US is not at all the same thing as saving up to buy a new car.

Is the stomach pain from eating so many dicks going to be covered under the Republican plan?

I’m about to cry.

Tangentially related, Tom Price’s seat in Georgia’s 6th district is up for grabs and I’m doing my best to help Jon Ossoff win. He has the endorsement of living legend John Lewis, and actually has a chance to flip the district.

Jared Kushner looks like the perfect, caring fiancé in a L&O SVU episode who is later revealed to have been kidnapping all those brunettes and dressing them up in his late mother’s clothes.

So witches float and wizards sink?

If he weren’t the P*OTUS this would be hysterically funny.

I think he looks like Hank Hill’s dad, Cotton.

But it feels like a long shot at best and sadly, nothing more.

Call your senators and reps in the house. Complain to as many elected officials as you can. And get your friends and family to do so too. Keep the pressure on them.

Oh, there is little doubt.

no, he does NOT seem enthusiastic about this happening to him. it is going to get worse when he realizes how cut off from the world and how lonely it is to actually be President. it is a very restricted role. you don’t become king. and we, the liberals, the democrats, and god willing some republicans - our job now is


Man, I’m tired of the snark. Grow up.

It’s probably just like the one he makes Melania wear.

These are second amendment folk, shouldn’t they all have guns? Why do guns scare them so?