
Is Megyn Kelly about to have her “Rosanne moment” and blame ambien? Queue the next statement to try and spin this as she being the victim in 3..2..1...

And do you know how much coverage this gets on the local news in Georgia? Nada, zero, nothing. Same with the explosives sent yesterday. “a few democrats received suspicious mail packages...” That’s it. 

he is SUCH a smarmy motherfucker. his corrupt fucking smile and good ‘ol boy image. JFC, Georgia has become such a let down (like the rest of the country).

When I was in my early 20s - circa 2003 - I lived in a suburb of Atlanta that was generally considered safe to live. Since I was 18, I had always lived on my own in various apartments. This was my first ‘ground floor’ apartment, and I remember talking to my mom about it and receiving a warning about the added dangers

I just wanna know...when is Ashley (his wife) packing her shit and leaving?!?

jesus, can’t he just drop dead already. I mean, not just drop dead, but painfully, slowly drop dead. While I don’t condone violence, I would support mother nature taking him out.

I don’t keep too up-to-date on celebrity stuff, and I was *kinda* warming up to Nicki Minaj by listening to her new album, but then I came across the article where she is talking about performing w/ that molester 69 and then went down the rabbit hole via the links in the article about her brother and....fuuuuck....I

Millers family would have been fine coming over. Don't they know by now that the immigration policies being implemented are only to stop brown people coming into the country?

I hope the court system dismisses the charges. Would bet everything that she learned her lesson and doesn’t need any more trauma.

That’s fuckin scary as hell.

All of these fuckers are claiming they were ‘duped’ by Cohen into looking like an ass. He isn’t duping shit, people. All of them are inherently evil, racist, etc...and only need a teeny tiny nudge to put it on display. Look at the episode where Cohen has the gun-nuts on. They are so desperate and ignorant...i

I am so sorry this happened to you. It is stories like yours that make me so incredibly paranoid about photo and videos taken of me or anyone close to me. I avoid anything more than PG-rated completely. Also, I have two littles, 4 and 9, and it scares the shit out of me that they are growing up in this digital age,

awe, mr. big bad cop ain’t so big and mean. Are those widdle tears coming out of your eyes? How does it feel asshole?

Just a thought...While splitting the identities of the left (progressives/liberals/etc) in primaries may be OK, as we work towards the general election, I hope the Democratic party promotes and work towards a single-identity for the left so we don’t create another Hillary/Bernie moment. point being that we need to

All Kim would have had to say is that Jeff Sessions would hate it if Trump pardoned a non-violent drug offender. BAM! BOOM! Pardoned.

I’m married to a Federal EPA employee, not upper management, but works directly with many in Mgt. She is terrified of doing anything that could be construed as using her office for any personal gain. Any activism, she shies away from because if she were recognized, in person or on TV, she could very well be out of a

“Will I ever recover from this pain? Omg”

Why is she so obsessed with sexual identity? Project much?

He’s only “Chomping at the bit” for a sit down with Mueller because he knows his lawyers will keep him from doing that. He’s like the guy in a bar who tries to start a fight, only to have his friends hold him back, while he acts like he’s going in for the fight while yelling “hold me back, man, hold me back”.