
I remember waiting for my mom at the bottom of a slide at Action Park, and when she hit the pool, her tits flew out.  So, my scars were only emotional.

I disagree! I think it’s a “the worst person you know makes a great point” kind of situation.

Pretty sure that is just a regular fish from Alita: Battle Angler.

Wow, he’s really lucky, because, while they take drug offenses super-seriously in New Hampshire, they recently repealed the death penalty. Not only that, but hanging was still on the books in NH as one of the possible means of execution, until earlier this year! So, he won’t have to worry about mobs of people

Gotta admit, in a story involving three baseball players and their wives, I did not think an overwhelming majority would have reasonable opinions. 

So when KD uses burners to pump up his image, it’s lame. And when he doesn’t blame anyone else for a career setback, it’s also lame.

This must be fake news. I mean, he’s Mexican, and according to our President, he must then be a rapist or a drug dealer or something, and everyone knows those guys don’t have time for physics equations.

“Hi, I’d like to report a murder.

That “faith” you feel is a coping mechanism because you can’t handle the fact that the universe is random and uncaring and you are not special in the slightest. I’m not saying you’ll be happier when you realize this, you certainly won’t, but at least you won’t be intoxicated with ignorance anymore.

My first thought was “WTF were they thinking?!”

Thanks, I hate it

And then you remembered Trump would never do that

The difference being she’s getting paid while the passengers are paying for the experience of not getting to their destination on time.

“I better use Tic-Tac just in case I start kiss her. You know I automatically attract to beautiful—I just start kiss them. It like magnet. Just kiss. I don’t wait even. And when you star, they let you do it. You can do anything.”

A stat line like that and good photoshop skills gets you into USC.

You’d have to ask Drew Bris

I thought so, but it was so dry I shrugged and hamfisted MY joke in there.

According to Kyrie, so does the planet Earth.

Certainly not the first time some Arians have complained about the work ethic of a Brown.

a dumb Stacey Dash”