Interesting. I’m a former professional goalkeeper and I’m quoted in the second installment of that (excellent) series. I repeat: move your feet.
Interesting. I’m a former professional goalkeeper and I’m quoted in the second installment of that (excellent) series. I repeat: move your feet.
Please hurry!
My tribe keeps sending our youngsters to college and law school using that good old casino money. More and more of us are going to run for office and become judges. Hopefully one of us will take Kavanaugh’s place.
They desperately need better marketing and better leadership. So many miscues are being made because the league refuses to name a commisioner who could make those decisions.
My post got eaten by kinja. I’ve been on this one-woman crusade to get DS to write about the NWSL finals. Granted, it’s not like I’m blowing up their inbox over it plus I’m in the greys so nobody cares, but your first paragraph rang true to me. Here we have a pretty good league with some of the best players in the…
Maybe because, like me, that name led Drew to a longer-than-should-have-been “Who?” moment, when I had to remember that Vance Joseph is actually a person who is actually a coach right now.
Yeah, of course it’s a sham. After all, what are we going to do?
The Yankees should do the right thing and invite this poor A’s fan to a game next season. That way he can root for all of the same players again only now wearing Yankees gear like everyone else.
Note to self: Do *not* go swimming with this guy.
This aspect of US sports really confuses me. America is so focused on ‘winning’ that draws are abhorred yet “running up the score” or “watching your home run” are considered anathema. Shit or get out of the pool.
Marchand? The guy who in 2012 skated past the Canucks bench miming hoisting the cup? The face licking guy? Now he’s Emily fucking post?
We know he isn’t, because the insults he threw actually hit their target.
Naw, Adam was throwing those insults without any issues as they hit their intended target.
I have been having this half-though a lot lately: being a good person can be hard when you’re a big sports fan. Like, once the Cubs got Daniel Murphy, I just stopped watching them. I was sickened that they acquired a person like that. When the blog post about Addison Russell came out, I stopped bothering to check the…
It was pretty delicate.
You think Drew is joking, but as somebody who spent his fair time on buses between Boone, Greensboro and Raleigh, Carolina Pete is real, and his justice is fair and pure.
Are there any actual ‘blue collar’ cities left anywhere in the US? Maybe some Southern industrial strip mall? The real ‘blue collar’ cities are wherever all our shit is made in China.
RE: Ravens v. Steelers.
Exactly. They ignore the simple economics of it. Want teachers paid more? Okay cool lets increase taxes and go ahead and do that....oh right that’s not an options.