19th Burner Breakdown

Yes, these tweets definitely convince me that Zach Smith would never lose his temper and act rashly or try to intimidate the people around him. Clearly Zach Smith is a calm individual who only speaks or acts after much thought and careful deliberation about how he will affect others.

“I’m stockpiling weapons and ammo to fight against the government and troops that you have to make sure you stand for and show respect during the national anthem.”

Yep. In this day and age, comments from figureheads of corporations can and DO have a large financial impact on their brands.

Sherman was right

“You can’t blame everything on two comments,”

Did he at least make the Patriots pay for the wall?

I would say I have an addiction to the internet, but it’s not like I’m on Deadspin in the middle of the work day reading and commenting on stupid shit while missing pretty important deadlines.

Ecru, Bruté?

They’re not that elaborate.

That position has already been filled by Rex Ryan.

Gregg Williams is a bounty of bad takes.

That would be a great argument except for the fact that it is complete bullshit.  

Well you have to devote your life to the Bene Gesserit, but then both birth control and any babies’ sex is just a matter of will power

It’s not like I think Marvel can do no wrong. They never were perfect. The thing that gets me is a very vocal fan base says it’s nothing but doom and gloom for Marvel. But if Marvel is so messed up, what does it say about the rest of the industry if they still can’t beat them?

I’m not telling anyone what to do, and I don’t give a shit how, or how much somebody likes something. They’re entitled to be annoying, and unreasonably into whatever they’re into to the point that their life suffers. Just don’t expect the majority of people to think your obsession with My Little Pony fan fiction, or

Fans are fine. Fans allow talented people to put on concerts, exhibits, films and sporting events so that we can all enjoy the entertainment. What sucks is that 10% of self-appointed, self-righteous Superfans who lives and die with Rick and Morty, or the New York Giants, or Taylor Swift at the expense of actually

I hate that you’re right, but you’re right. Take your star while I sigh inside.

A lot of them ARE young. Others are isolated and antisocial. Some literally have mental problems. There are also those who literally believe women are inferior to men and only become employed in high positions because of some quota and not due to any talent. All of these traits can overlap, but a common thread among

Rick and Morty does that interesting thing that dime novels and gangster movies used to do - it condemns its mostly reprehensible central character all the time, but also allows viewers to revel in and tacitly celebrate their transgressive, anti-social qualities. (Lots of pop culture does it, then and now). But