I’m so sorry you’ve been through that.
I’m so sorry you’ve been through that.
A while back in another career, I represented a young man charged with a misdemeanor for Obstructing Governmental Administration. The general use is “wasting resources or diverting us from our job” but it’s one of those “why are you resisting?”-sort of charges.
Never look at the tweets. It will do you more harm than good.
A while back, I was walking in a local shopping plaza when a car hopped the curb and smacked into the front of a local rent to own store. Two cops were nearby, leaving Subway, and the first thing they did was draw their guns and rush toward the car. There was no survey or assess, there was “must shoot bad guy” in the…
Me too. That’s pretty much my thought each night.
Thanks for posting this as much as I’m sorry you live it.
Him teaching Rosa to say “I’m sorry” will never not be funny.
You’re infringing on the Village People with the hard hat brigade idea.
You said something nice about Don Garber, didn’t you?
“It’s a Death Star...but it’s a giant lightsaber.”
The first Star Wars was the first movie I saw in a theater. This franchise was my childhood, quite literally.
Meanwhile in the school around the corner from where i’m typing this, kids from poor families who start school with delayed skills are sent to special ed for the rest of their academic career, cutting out swaths of intellectual and economic potential. Then understimulated kids will act out, or drop out, and end up on…
Normal etiquette as I understood it would be “Can I play through?” and the ladies, enjoying a casual day out, would probably say yes. But that would have involved him talking to black people as people and, well...
I’m jealous. We’ve lost the family event we used to have because two pro-Trump aunts have stopped speaking to my mother after the most milquetoast conservative-old-white-lady-with-concerns post on Facebook.
Thank you. I appreciate a parent that will take these steps.
My sibling and I were each spanked once, both for lying, at about 5-6 years old. Let us know parents were serious, curtailed that behavior and created a baseline for behavior.
We were rural and poor, so it’s less than most I’m sure, but fast food twice a month and a “nice” restaurant at report card time were about all we did in the 80s. It’s still sort of awkward for me to go out regularly because brain still says “special treat!”
You know, there was a lot wrong with the overbearing yet regressive parenting I experienced in the 70s and 80s (and 90s, and 00s and today and stop calling me mom! I know it’s raining!) but being taught to act like an actual person in public is something I heartily endorse.
This was dinner with the in-laws last night. With bonus cameo references to Deep State members Michelle Wolf, who said all those terrible things about Huckabee Sanders (although they didn’t actually know what was said) or Whoopi Goldberg who said something something I stopped listening by that point.
Once upon a time in another career, I knew a welfare cheat family. They had three kids and weren’t married, because (it’s been many years since I saw actual numbers) they got $500 cash/$500 food stamps as a married couple or $850 cash/$600 stamps as a single mom and out-of-house boyfriend. He actually lived across the…