19th Burner Breakdown

To validate age.

I grew up near the US/Canada border. Every strip of farmland where a prop-driven antique Cessna flew out twice a month was called an “international” airport.

This highlights some regional differences to me, because I grew up in one of those faded blue collar communities where “teen” or “starter” jobs were usually filled by adults trying to feed families. My classmates parents bagged groceries or made subs, because the mine was closed, the trees were gone and the aluminum

Yet the trolls are out, standing up for the airline, because “international” is in the name of the airport so they must have been going abroad and trafficking and One Time I Heard and...wow, people are dumb.

Ah, yes, the Trumpy Fake News, because you overreached on Southwest’s policy and projected whatever Egypt trauma you’re carrying around and now have deputized gate agents as TSA secret police because you don’t want to be wrong about Southwest’s policy clearly stating a birth certificate is required for age validation.

The rules are in place to assure the child is eligible for the free travel vs. a ticket. There’s no identification confirmation rule.

“But it’s okay they demanded a certificate for made up reasons, because a completely separate policy requires a certificate!”

They are entirely in favor of unfettered capitalism until Disney-ABC makes a risk based business decision and then it’s discriminatory.

The thing with revenge killings is that, like most gang/drug violence, the victims are typically others in the same business. So even if MS13 is everything we’ve been warned about, they’re still not roaming around looking for little blonde girls to dismember.

I think some of it is that his people are so fired up to have him in office that they can’t stop bringing him up. It’s an anecdotal data point, but my MIL who used to largely tune out now has to turn every conversation into how Trump is saving America.

I bet in another version of the story, these people were also speaking Spanish in an American place.

I’d rather stay in the locker room and fuel up or stay warmed than stand on the sidelines for a bit of jingoistic pageantry. If there’s any game advantage to the locker room, while anyone be brave enough to exploit it?

That’s exactly my thought when I saw the new payment model. There are a lot of sports I’ll watch, or put on in the background, if it’s there, but I’m not invested enough to spend for it.

I like the concept, but I lack even the slightest knowledge about how it would be implemented or funded.

Nope. The idea that businesses can pay people less than is needed to live, and put the costs onto the taxpayer, is the underlying problem in our economy.

I’ve had maybe five “bell ring”-type hits in my life and I can’t imagine telling a student, of any age, that it’s normal and they are just supposed to play through it. Yet that’s Footbaw Culture.

Should be, but never happens.

Once upon a different job, many years ago, I was privy to some disciplinary reports. “Excessive force” gets a 30 day with pay. “Insubordinate to senior officer” is fireable. So...yeah.

Exactly. If they make it about the kids today—and what old people aren’t ready to complain about the “kids today”—it’s an easy out.

I have a family dinner tonight. I’ve already had a preview that the Elderly Relatives are all-in on “if this girl was only nicer to him...” as the solution for the shooting and the solution for all others-it’s the kids fault for being such bullies to the unpopular kids. They are ready, willing and able to ignore the