I wish my clients would ever have learned this. I might still be practicing, but I got tired of fighting with them to get to the truth before we even got to fighting the other side.
I wish my clients would ever have learned this. I might still be practicing, but I got tired of fighting with them to get to the truth before we even got to fighting the other side.
And while my work is always zealous, precise and flawless (as far as I’ll admit publicly), the Chapter 13 I do on an hour’s notice as the auctioneer is setting up to sell your home is not going to be the quality of the one prepared over the previous 14 months of the foreclosure where I never heard back from you.
There is more introspection in your post than in the whole of the D1 MBB coaching fraternity.
I keep trying to think of something of value from my practice to add, but really Mr. Fichman’s advice covers pretty much everything I can think of. It’s not just business...your will, your house purchase, your subpoena to appear before Mueller...an attorney may not be necessary, but it’s better to spent $200 and be…
Reminds me of the person in the Richard Spencer article who said she’d been made fun of for being conservative. “Not wanting to be around your Moral Majority views” is not making fun of you, GOP.
Thanks for the tips. I really do appreciate the help.
Those elite adjunct professors making $1,000 a credit hour at six different schools...those are the elites they are concerned about.
Because, in their minds, an entire platoon rolling up on them will stop as soon as they yell “Posse Comitatus” as if that wasn’t known, and disregarded, in whatever hypothetical military movement is underway.
Recently my elderly mother posted something to FB about her sadness about gun deaths and we really need to do something. Three separate relatives wrote/called to chastise her and say they won’t speak to her/let their children speak to her. She’s upset about it, but really? They just gave me a great excuse to cut their…
This sort of post happened to me recently when I pointed out in another thread that all the AR/AK/whatever you want mean nothing to a strike from a bomber and the responses were all “not on American soil!/not our Trewps!/etc” and I just backed away slowly, valuing my lower BP over the fun of ongoing trolling.
Yeah, but rotten teeth and the immediate social and health impacts are a little more obvious and direct than exercise effects.
I would love to swim...well, I’d love the health benefits. My knees and neck are shot from a variety of sports injuries so keeping active is hard. Problem I have is one pool in town and True Believers there at all hours who are overly strict about everything. I have terrible form, worse habits and a lot of childhood…
Growing up in a deeply conservative area, this is a valid concern. Even from teachers who didn’t mean harm, but had also grown up in that echo chamber, the myths, lies and untruths about different races and religions was endless.
I taught intro Poli Sci for a few years. I tried to express to them “I don’t care what you think, but that you think” when it came to political views. The self-identified conservatives were always the ones where it was pulling teeth to get them to engage in critical thought or actively analyze something, even with it…
I’ve had that same conversation a bunch of times with my very Italian elderly relatives. Literally the same people who were denied jobs and housing based on their ethnicity; who had to live in a segregated area of town and who weren’t allowed to speak their native language...currently grousing nonstop about the…
Conservative talk radio.
A heavy-equipment dealer opened near us about that time and my FIL was convinced, before the signs went up, that all the bulldozers and graders being moved in was the start of martial law. A slow-moving, yellow martial law, at that...
I actually thought this was a good list, as someone that graduated from forestry school, in describing exactly what I saw for years in the Adirondacks.
I can’t speak for everywhere, but in my area the hunters and the hikers have always been very selective and separate in where they shop. Selling to half the population made sense if you were selling lots to the True Believers on that half.
Once upon a different career, I had to appear in front of a state welfare department administrative law judge to appeal the department shutting off my client’s benefits. Basis of the department’s claim was that my client and her estranged husband had been seen dancing at a community event, so clearly he was not out of…