19th Burner Breakdown

Because it’s Us vs. Them and clearly if she doesn’t support Trump she’s part of the Fake News Machine just smearing poor twice fired Roy. It’s laying the foundation for credibility.

It’s a win/win: get to keep supporting the republican and get to say that any man who says “not in any locker room I’ve been in” or the like is an effete city nancy (just, you know, with much worse slurs) who isn’t a real man.

I’m trying to stay positive in a red area in a blue state. It’s a mix of emotion. It’s so frustrating to know my neighbors, most of whom depend on government assistance in some fashion, are going to vote GOP up to, and now including, supporting a child molester, given their takes on AL.

Here, openly gay city council pres lost at-large race to MAGA-sort with a lot of old Catholic whispering about the gays and how their agenda would damage the town. So I’ll take whatever positive I can get.

In my experience, because they identify with white and working class more than they do woman. They’ve probably known 1,500 Donald Trumps braying at them and “that’s just men” and that wall and that ban will put a chicken in every pot and...arehgdslfkhtwrei. Sorry, brain melted.

Edit: Asked a question you answered in the post. In my defense, the Bee Gees drown out the thoughts right now.

You’re forgetting “people with vested interest in Packer brand.” That covers a lot more than people on public payroll.

Working as a trainer, I once had a hockey player, after a hit to the head, check out okay then, five minutes later, he missed his shift change because he was sitting on the bench having a conversation with an imaginary person.

Nope, you’ve got it. Of course, one doesn’t need to make sense when it’s a black NFL player being lambasted.

And how many endorsed that San Diego doctor who was an utter disaster? Protecting the team keeps people getting paid.

INTJ or INTP here, depending on the day.

Times Square pretty much is as you describe. It’s worth going in order to say you’ve been there, since most people back home will ask, and then start plotting every walk and subway to avoid the area.

Years of working for a D3 school tutored me on the importance of scheduling. Once you let them get bored and zone out to tv (or have a competition about which hockey player can spank it to completion and get some on the ceiling fastest) it’s really hard to get them back into the right mindset.

Yeah, I asked. Just plain sugar.

I would buy a Luck jersey, to start.

Co-workers were discussing butter and sugar sandwiches from their childhood today. I don’t know why this keeps coming up.

Lately I’ve wanted to coach again, so thank you for reminding me why I should not.

I’m not that adventurous, but I do enjoy some fancy places on occasion...and this whole thread has me craving cardboard-on-cardboard Red Baron that my dad used to make.

I don’t see 99% of my relatives’ posts anymore and it’s delightful.