Depends how much a decrease in play the paying fans and boosters will allow. If you can still fill an arena and sell shirts with Cary Community College in Chapel Hill unis, there’s no incentive for the players to walk.
Depends how much a decrease in play the paying fans and boosters will allow. If you can still fill an arena and sell shirts with Cary Community College in Chapel Hill unis, there’s no incentive for the players to walk.
If only he’d caught that wide open one that bounced off his hands he’d have had another score.
I grew up a Leafs fan because my mother rebelled against her Habs family and watched the English broadcast. Yet another topic for therapy.
I have wealthy family who are also #1 type religious people. It’s oppressive to them that there get to be churches other than theirs or beliefs other than theirs. I can’t even respond because it makes no sense.
Similar region, similar situation. I’m frequently amazed how many people chose meth over astrophysics because the man kept them down.
Alternate take: they are all Mexicans to True Patriots.
I will need to follow your example. Can I wear headphones to family dinner? I may need to up the music to Cannibal Corpse.
Attempt at a legit answer to rhetorical questions: a lot of people who grew up with no real experience with other cultures and the belief that brown = illegal/unworking immigrant. I grew up in a rural (white) area with some of the most notorious welfare cheats in the county living down the road and people who were…
She’s taken at least three or four good ‘Murican jobs, I’m pretty sure.
Interesting stuff. I’m currently working in government, on the management side, and I’m finding my lifelong pro-union feelings challenged.
“Coaches have a complete understanding of what’s proper,” -Greg Schiano.
This...this gives me so much angst. Because as an adult, it’s wholly clear and certain and “of course you wouldn’t...” but as a college kid 30 years ago...standards of expected behavior were very different. I cringe now thinking of what we thought a relationship was or how one acted at the bar.
Or Brenda Hampton tv shows.
I’d say “me too” but I don’t want to step on the hashtag message.
I’ve started doing this when going to visit family, because I can send it right to their house and then travel with a backpack.
So because he was a scholarship player back in the day, scholarship players today are similarly situated? Jim, there’s a whole series of Boomer memes on college pricing that I’m going to ask your 35 assistants to review for you...
Typically the voting has lagged a year behind, when it’s not utterly nonsensical, so next year she’s a lock. Unless someone’s kid plays U6.
Seriously, inquiring minds. Were these the three best on a crap long list? Was there a directive to include regional players or age-group players? Was everyone drunk? Was it gaming to make sure one qualified person won?
Depends how boring the workday gets.
I’ve basically been reduced to conspiracy theorizing to explain this board of candidates, because the only other explanation is blatant incompetence. I expect blatant corruption from FIFA, but some competence.