19 Tequilas Later, We Had A Deal...

Looks like an Apple keyboard:

James T. Hodgkinson is dead.

I think it’s basically a copy of the Constitution (knowing Drumb & Co, it’s probably the original) taped to the wall and covered with redactions.

Land of the free, home of the brave or something...


They just killed GTA 5.

He’s calmer than you are...

Perhaps you should have emphasized the all important

Isn’t it supposed to be the insurance companies job to address the cost? Otherwise, if the government is going to do it all then just go with single-payer.

New headline for the article:

I really wish Trump’s supporters would read The Art of the Deal, because the entire book is literally Trump just retelling how he’s a shyster businessman whose entire empire is built on scams.

Climate change! Shlimate change!

What a cluster-fuck of an administration!

He’s dumber than a tube sock full of dead yak semen.

I got the same treatment back in the 80s when I wore my Charles Manson t-shirt for my yearbook photo...