19 Tequilas Later, We Had A Deal...

If you’re an Apple fan:


The Art Of The Tweet

Lynard knows what you did there!

Dearest Albert,

Wrong again! This church is in Seneca, South Carolina one of the most Conservative (Republican) voting cities in the state, even back when this picture was taken circa 1939!

KKK members not Christian you say...

More like The Ballad of Drunky McDrunkface

Joe-Be-Wan Kenobi:

Just put a helmet ‘and body armor’ on her and she can be the new Ted Ferguson, MO!



How about we impose a slow-torture death penalty for freaks like this?

I really hope Christian isn’t his real last name, because he’s about as far from being a real Christian as one could possibly get.

Dear Current White House,

It’s just locker room talk.