1994 Flop "The Shadow"

I said nothing about comedy...I said I’d be as interested in their story.

Call her a “has-been” all you want. I’d watch a tv show about an ex-Scientologist who was a garbage man. Oh, wait...working class people can’t afford this “religion”.

Yeah Kellyanne, Trump IS busy thinking about a lot of other things - like making the cast of a Broadway play apologize to his Vice President whose mere presence was enough to disrupt a show, and SNL, a variety comedy show.

Sorry to reply to you in two separate comments, but yeah. I commented on an article after Kim’s robbery about how I couldn’t believe people were being so cruel. Some guy on my Facebook replied saying something along the lines of “OH WOW THERES WARS GOING ON BUT YOU CARE ABOUT THIS?” ...uh yes. Seeing an alarming lack

My only snark is toward the fact that his “people” are characterizing a clear mental illness as “exhaustion”. Mental health is stigmatized enough without the media trying to force us to believe certain people are above having mental health problems.

Yes yes yes. Had this exact comment in my head.

Oh god. Kanye has discovered he can become a headline by uttering Trump’s name. We’re doomed.

“At 12, I wasn’t interested…”

A friend I cut out had clear mental health issues, and just really needed therapy. It got really bad in the last year or so. There comes a point where you can only suggest it so many times, offer help and resources, etc. I am not a therapist and not equipped to deal with those issues. And I believe no one is obligated

Yep. My ex-best friend and abusive ex have a LOT in common in hindsight...

Yep. Had this exact situation- she constantly would call me her “best” friend, but she definitely wasn’t mine.

End this friendship. As someone who ended an extremely long-term “best” friendship this summer after it reached maximum toxicity, I promise it is worth the anxiety. In fact, you may find quite a load of anxiety lifted when this type of relationship is removed from your life. While I know my situation was probably


Yes!! Like I assumed this was more a way to protect someone from the bar making them liable for directly alcohol-related offenses or hospital bills.

I agree. Also, his website is math based! It’s not opinion, it’s based on the best information available, and before an actual election unfortunately POLLS are the only way to make any guesses.

I probably weigh significantly less than this guy and have definitely been able to appear sober enough to get served after 15 drinks.

Honestly, this past week my period was *super* late and I have not been *super* good with my pill...I started planning when I would get a test, whether to visit my doctor before going to Planned Parenthood, what method would be cheapest but also allow minimal healing time.

Love him!! He so deserves ascension from a “that guy” of comedy

Seriously, I know he’ll be playing a total dickhead but damn.

Seriously. He can’t even commit to his “Republican values”. He’ll say he’s pro-life, but refuses to fully acknowledge aloud that it means women will be unable to access abortions. It’s all about buzzwords.