1994 Flop "The Shadow"

Do you have a recipe?

Oh I know, I’m just saying if the consequences discourage the behaviour, hopefully future dudes won’t be as exposed to the attitude that women AREN’T humans in the first place. I mean, it’s a tiny baby step in a cultural that needs to make a thousand mile journey, but it’s...something?

I mean, I agree that it’s not the best reason to do it. However I do think it’s an example of consequences for this behaviour sort of...working. They don’t want to get suspended from play. Considering this group of guys has come up among this toxic attitude already, there’s little hope of them suddenly doing it for

Eh, I get it.

My bf grew up in a very small town, so through context clues/obviously I’ve kinda figured out that almost all his long time girl friends were exes or hook ups at some point.

I started doing a “joking” southern drawl voice that I had never done before, and didn’t realize for a long time that it was because I was watching nothing but True Blood baha

Seriously. The Facebook comments on this video are mind boggling. Trump supporters will come out in droves to rage at a COMEDIAN who doesn’t even really insult Trump, but when their candidate makes fun of disabled people, sexual assault, ALL THE OTHER THINGS, they support him for “telling it like it is.”

About two years ago, I regularly took the same bus home at the same time. This old man would get on holding a giant parka (mid-summer) and sit next to me. He would position the parka so it was covering both our laps and basically snuggle up next to me. Whatever, I’ve been taking the bus for 15 years, people don’t

If this is true, I’m just wondering why anyone is still contemplating the reason for the breakup

One thing that sets Uber apart from cabs is their amazing customer service. I’m not saying it makes up for discrimination in ANY form, but any time I’ve made a complaint, from a driver taking longer than the GPS indicates to them not listening when I asked to be let out at a certain location, I’ve received a response

No Snark: Losing a pet is the worst. No matter how bad of a person someone is, I involuntarily will feel bad for them when it happens. All the love for that dog who was clearly well loved.

See, here’s what I don’t get. I understand that since 9/11 there’s been a complex mistrust of establishment building up in certain factions of America (not ALL back minded pieces of shit people either...) but what I don’t get is how they can support Trump, who basically took all the best parts of Obama’s “change”

Lol I guess I’ve just been listening to podcasts so long I hear everyone pretty distinctively :P I usually don’t have a problem telling people apart, but I have a major problem reconciling their voices to their faces lol

I’ve enjoyed the Creepypasta ones a lot because it lends itself to humour a little more. But I find they surprisingly are well researched when it comes to serial killers. It was really hard for me to get used to three hosts too, but now that I’ve listened to a ton of episodes I can definitely find each of their

Sweet baby angle

Last Podcast on the Left!!!


Is it cause I don’t want kids that I think that Reynolds’ joke is hilarious?

I was also struggling with that slogan...even if whatever it’s representing is a positive cause, it reminds me a bit of “save the boobies” breast cancer slogans.

I’m 25 and I actually had a couple half-black girlfriends who said it with pride. Had a couple friends in that same group who would describe guys as “hot mulatto guys”. Youthful ignorance, probably? I pretty much completely forgot that term until this jogged my memory.