I tell my boyfriend (of 5 years), sure! I will marry you one day! As long as we both know divorce is an option, as long as we never come to hate each other.
I tell my boyfriend (of 5 years), sure! I will marry you one day! As long as we both know divorce is an option, as long as we never come to hate each other.
Agreed. Rob never wanted any of this so I hope they have some sincere love between them...and for their child.
Same boat bahaha I just know a lot about other reality TV...cause I spend my time wisely lol
Oh I fully agree! I’m just enough of a reality TV addict to know that if these were the best moments they could pull from hours of footage, they aren’t that damning.
I don’t know...I have FOR SURE had moments of insecurity that made me eventually have to be honest with my partner. Keep in mind these guys were filmed like, 24 hours a day and prodded into drama...so if this is the best they can do, I’m guessing the relationship is generally pretty boring aka healthy.
I’ve never been into KUWTK, but I feel like their drama is manufactured. Like, editors make these shows what they are; if the best they can do is personal insecure moments, annoyance that one person doesn’t want to do a certain activity, text messages, etc. than I’m guessing they have a pretty normal relationship.
I think part of it (hopefully?) has to do with the absolute repulsion and disbelief that anyone could do that sort of thing to a child, even a teenager.
That was probably Kevin Smith’s suggestion.
Shit. I forgot about him. GET OUT GIO!!!
Beat me to it!! YAAAAAAAAS!!!
Really?? I actually quite like her. Maybe I just haven’t read that one in a while, some of her more recent books have really excellent character development.
Hah well then not surprising her first book was about an unhappy lawyer. Her newer stuff is pretty great. I started with her first book but I was younger so I suggest “love the one you’re with” and “heart of the matter”
Agreed! I relate to them. Except while they will probably get some lucrative product placement, I will still have my student loans. But I’m okay with not having that reminder while I love my queens.
I think the important thing to stress is the secretiveness. I say this as someone who has been extensively cheated on but in much less commitment-y situations. I’m in a 5 year relationship and I avoid snooping like the plague. I think what you need to do is ask him honestly if he deleted the messages because they were…
Here goes.
Unrelated related: Something Borrowed is a good book by a better author.
Do you think most people that live relatively far from New York really get the implication of “Manhattan”?
I feel similarly about Broad City. The girls suffer the constraints of roommates/shitty apartment buildings, but make their own space...kinda like I do. And I’m not really looking to see them stress for an entire episode about their finances. I kinda watch tv to get away from that.
I’d ask for double!
I’m sure she’s read a book. She probably has a lot of down time. She’s a business-woman who became famous because she was pretty. Don’t hate her, hate society.