Dirty Rotten Imbecile

This is America, friend. We vote on subjects we don’t know anything about all the time.

I’m abstaining from voting because I have no idea about these things except one thing:

This motherfucker is on television, right-the-hell-now, calling the Russia investigation an “attempted coup.”  He literally said that.

You’re not a Real American if you learn stuff.

So, if I understand correctly, you LIKED The Phantom Menace?

The ritual would get rote in a hurry if you did it for 82 (or 162) games.”

Once I get married, I’ll never have to jerk again. Me at 12. 

Fun Fact*: Bob Seger songs don’t actually end. The title of the song repeats infinitely and eventually your brain starts ignoring it like white noise. The average person is unwittingly listening to 9.5 Bob Seger songs at any given time.

Fighting is part of the game.

“FB is popular because that’s where all the people are”
NO. It’s where lazy people go to find other lazy people.

Setting aside the blatant misrepresentation of the numbers, so what if they need more money than Texas and Florida combined? The entire island was hit with a historically large storm. They need as much money as it takes to recover. They took more damage than Texas and Florida combined did during the same time, so of

Also, fuck Texas Tech for this:

The headlines on Deadspin articless are always so mean and small. Deadspin should write more positive, uplifting stories, like:

But- but- owning the libs! Are you trying to tell me this isn’t a legitimate way to run a functioning government?!

Trump instigated a trade war, because he thought a trade deficit is bad. We now have a much higher trade deficit. He has no idea what he is doing, and the only people still supporting him are racists and trolls.

Surface State. 

Gotta keep pointing out that the right moans about a “deep state” while placing hyper partisan cronies in top posts...

So what do you think happened to all of the people in the “Biff Tannen is rich” alternate universe after Doc and Marty put things right? Do we fade away at some point, or do we just continue on unaware of what went wrong?

Yeah, it’s more obvious than ever that the GOP will throw anyone or anything under the bus in order to win.