Dirty Rotten Imbecile

Trump Zero

Why is it so fuck ugly?

Hotmail is back!

How does it feel


The school is in Covington Kentucky, not Kansas.

Thank goodness he was arrested before senselessly killing those cheeseburgers.

How do trumper kids exist? I thought this generation was supposed to be a bit more open minded?

North Carolina and Villanova basketball champs didn't go to the white house at all.  Good move.   

I love how there are people meandering on bicycles all over the track while this guy goes for a rip.

To wong foo, thanks for everything, Julian Newman!

Gee Dabo, maybe don't bring your mostly black team to this racist assholes white house?

As opposed to the NFLs minor league, amateur college players?

A lie is a telling of an untruth.  So yes, it's a fucking lie.  

Quoth the raven;

Obviously he ordered the unhappy meal.

You took off a girls bra in high school? Took me till college to figure out the clasps.  

Samer, you really knocked it out of the park with this article.  

Is this matchup a bring your own guts game?  If so, they'll surely miss Lawrence.

31 foot ladder.